Leading the Way: School Administrators and the IDEA

Date:     September 9, 2025 (Rescheduled from the Original December 10, 2024 date)
Time:     9:00am – 3:00pm 
Type:     In-Person

Location: WRESA
          200 Ridgefield Ct, Suite 206 
          Asheville, NC 28806

Fee:      No Fee
Audience: K-12 School Administrators
CEUS:     5 Contact Hours  


This full-day professional development seeks to challenge aspiring administrators and school
administrators to examine the impact of their leadership on the educational and functional
outcomes of students with disabilities within their schools. The session will address the many
facets that face school administrators as they lead schools that support the education of
students with disabilities, such as the impact of their leadership on the instruction, curriculum
and environment for students with disabilities within their schools.
During the session we will examine implementation of IDEA and NC Policies through a
leadership style and school culture lens. We will provide support for administrators in
deepening their understanding of state and federal IDEA regulations as well as implementation
of specially designed instruction, services and programs for students with disabilities.

Teri Queen currently serves as the Northwest and Western Region Literacy Consultant for the
North Carolina Public Schools Office of Exceptional Children for the Program Improvement and
Professional Development section. In this role, she facilitates building capacity and
sustainability of the NC State Improvement Project grant through systems level coaching. In
addition to providing guidance in the data driven continuous improvement needs, she works
with professional, parent, and service organizations and Institutions of Higher Education to
promote appropriate public education and improved services for students with disabilities for
North Carolina Public Schools and private Universities. Teri has previously served as an
Exceptional Children Director, EC Program Specialist, EC Instructional Facilitator, Federal
Programs Coordinator, Exceptional Children Transition Specialist, Accountability Coordinator
and an Exceptional Children Teacher in North Carolina and Virginia over the course of 26 years.

Kelly Doppke is an IDEA Consultant for the Western Region with the Office of Exceptional
Children, where she provides regional support to EC leadership and school teams in LEAs and
Charters across the area. Originally from South Carolina, Kelly moved to Western North Carolina
with her family in 2007. She holds an undergraduate degree in Elementary, Early Childhood,
and Special Education from Lander University, a Master of Education from Southern Wesleyan
University, and a Post-Master’s Certificate in School Administration from Western Carolina
Kelly’s favorite job, aside from her current role, was serving as a camp counselor at Camp
Spearhead, a camp for children and adults with special needs in upstate South Carolina.
Throughout her career as a teacher, program specialist, and EC director, Kelly developed a deep
passion for creating inclusive systems for students with disabilities. Her leadership focus is on
reducing exclusionary practices for students with challenging behaviors and finding ways to
ensure equitable opportunities for all students.

Traci Royal currently serves as the IDEA Consultant for the Northwest region with the Office of
Exceptional Children. In this role, she directly supports EC Directors and Charter Coordinators
and their staff through professional development, coaching, and technical assistance in all areas
related to the provision of special education services as well as overall program evaluation and
improvement. Traci serves on the NW Regional Support Team as well. Prior to transitioning to
NCDPI in this role in 2020, Traci served in both small and large school districts as an elementary
and high school EC teacher across multiple educational settings, assistant EC Director, EC
Director, and Executive EC Director.

If you have additional questions, contact Candie Sellers  csellers@wresa.org

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.