Anxiety in the Classroom – How Educators Can Support Students with Anxiety Disorders
Date: Dec 8, 2021
Time: 9:00am to 3:00pm
Type: In-person
Location: Asheville Event Center
291 Sweeten Creek Road
Asheville NC 28803
Cost: WRESA Members: No Cost thanks to Dogwood Health Trust
Non-Members: $85
Limit: 50 Participants
Credit: 5 Contact Hours
More than 13 percent of students (1 in 8) experience significant anxiety that limits their engagement in school and in relationships. Anxiety conditions – separation anxiety, social anxiety, phobias, and generalized anxiety – are the most prevalent mental issues, and they often go unnoticed. But the impact on the students is significant.
During this one-day program, Mike Paget, M.Ed. gives teachers, counselors and other professionals the tools to support and teach this high-potential portion of the student population while avoiding an unmanageable classroom environment. The workshop will focus on verbal strategies that support vs. escalate as well as classroom routines that unintentionally escalate emotions of a student with anxiety. If you have questions, email April Spencer at