Grades 6-8 Mathematics Frameworks: Changes in the Standards, Vertical Progressions and Digital Resources

Date: October 19, 2018

Location: WCU at Biltmore Park

Time: 9:00-3:00

Cost: $45.00

Grades 6-8 Mathematics: Changes in the Standards, Vertical Progressions and Digital Resources 
We will look at the changes that have been made in the 6-8 math standards,  the rationale and implications to instruction of these changes, and the vertical progression across all three middle school grade levels. Participants will engage in facilitated learning activities to highlight major work of the grade standards. All activities shared will come from free web resources and be shared with participants. Both of the instructors were writers of the new standards and bring this unique prospective.
Instructors: Leigha Jordan and Stefanie Buckner
