Type: In-Person
Date: September 20, 2022
Time: 9:00am-3:00pm
Location: Lenoir Rhyne (Asheville Location, Room 314)
36 Montford Ave
Asheville, NC
Fee: $45 WRESA Members
$65 Non-members
Audience: Teachers, Counselors, Instructional Coaches, Administrators.
Limit: 30 Participants
CEUs: 5 Contact hours
Do you feel like traditional ideas of grouping might need to be revisited? Are there better ways of grouping that could increase engagement in your classroom? Join us for a whole-day session focused on flexible grouping for Secondary (6-12) classrooms. We will explore the purpose for flexible grouping, how to get it started and how it supports differentiation. We will focus on planning for and managing groups, as well as specific procedures for implementing flexible grouping in your classroom. We will be basing this workshop on the book, The Flexibly Grouped Classroom: How to Organize Learning for Equity and Growth ( 2022) by Kristina J Doubet. Mandy Taylor, Sr Content Specialist at NCCAT and April Spencer at WRESA will be co-facilitating. If you have questions contact April aspencer@wresa.org