Date: December 9, 2021 Time: 8:30am - 11:00am Location: Virtual (a link will be sent to you close to the date of the event) Cost: WRESA MEMBERS ONLY: $75 - Individual $300 - District (Need One Primary Contact) Audience: Administrators (new and experienced) Employees involved in Title IX process and student mental health counselors and social workers Credit: Individuals: - 2.5 Contact Hours School Districts: Each district is responsible for issuing CEUs to their staff attendees Presenter: Chris Campbell, Campbell and Shatley PLLC
This session is for all new and experienced administrators, and all EC and 504 personnel. Mr. Campbell will cover the relationship between state mental health services and federal education laws. He will also review parent requests for private service providers to come into schools and parent requests for private school placement. Time for questions will be provided. If you have questions, email Candie Sellers at