Nvizn: Using Children’s Literature to Integrate STEM with Reading and Writing

Grade Levels: K-2

Date(s): December 1, 2017 9 am – 3 pm

Location: Mountain Horticultural Crops Research & Ext. Center, 455 Research Drive, Mills River, NC 28759

Cost: $10

Description: Nvizn: Explore tech-based teaching units that integrate the teaching of reading and writing with the teaching of important science and mathematics concepts. Units include children’s books, poems and writing activities along with simple, hands-on, science activities and connections to mathematics in order to promote student understanding of standards-based concepts within a holistic setting. Formative assessment and sense-making activities are included to ensure that students are focused on those components critical for learning.  Limited to 35 participants. Lunch included. If you have questions, contact Michelle Benigno (828-206-3014 / mtbenign@ncsu.edu) Contact hours: 5
