Adolescent Literacy for Secondary Math and Science Teachers 6-12

Date:     March 19, 2024
Time:     9:00am-3:00pm   

Location: WRESA
          200 Ridgefield Ct, Suite 206 
          Asheville, NC 28806

Fee:      $45 WRESA Members
          $70 Non-Members

**NOTE: We have a No Refund policy for our WRESA courses. However, you are welcome to send a
colleague in your place. Contact LaDonna Sluder at or 828-774-5681 (ext 102)
if you need to change the name of the person attending.

Audience: Teachers and Instructional Coaches
CEUs:     5 Contact hours
What to Bring: Your own device

Have you often wondered how to help students in your classroom who can’t seem to access your content? For students with poor reading skills, trying to keep up often feels overwhelming. Research shows that the teacher can make a difference at the secondary level to increase learning. Using secondary Math and Science standards, participants will practice embedding word recognition, vocabulary and comprehension strategies into their lessons in order to support their struggling readers.

Presenter(s): Elsa Iglesias and Liz Massey from Buncombe County Schools will be your presenters. Elsa is currently the EC Curriculum and Instructional Specialist for Buncombe County Schools, and currently provides PD for teachers in reading and math in her county. Liz Massey is the Multi Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Coordinator of Buncombe County Schools and a Literacy Specialist trained in the Science of Reading.

If you have additional questions, contact April Spencer at 

If you are unsure whether your school system is a member of WRESA, click  WRESA MEMBER List.


Making Flexibly Grouped Classrooms Work in Secondary Settings

Type:     In-Person
Date:     September 20, 2022
Time:     9:00am-3:00pm    

Location: Lenoir Rhyne (Asheville Location, Room 314)
          36 Montford Ave 
          Asheville, NC

Fee:      $45  WRESA Members       
          $65  Non-members
Audience: Teachers, Counselors, Instructional Coaches, Administrators.
Limit:    30 Participants
CEUs:     5 Contact hours

Do you feel like traditional ideas of grouping might need to be revisited? Are there better ways of grouping that could increase engagement in your classroom? Join us for a whole-day session focused on flexible grouping for Secondary (6-12) classrooms. We will explore the purpose for flexible grouping, how to get it started  and how it supports differentiation. We will focus on planning for and managing groups, as well as specific procedures for implementing flexible grouping in your classroom. We will be basing this workshop on the book, The Flexibly Grouped Classroom: How to Organize Learning for Equity and Growth ( 2022) by Kristina J Doubet. Mandy Taylor,  Sr Content Specialist at NCCAT and April Spencer at WRESA will be co-facilitating. If you have questions contact April


Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning (S.E.A.L.) to Boost Achievement, Behavior, and Culture

Type:     Virtual (a link will be sent closer to the date of the event)
Date:     September 14, 2022
Time:     12:30am-3:30pm

Fee:      Free thanks to the Dogwood Trust Grant (See registration restrictions under "Audience")

Audience: Teachers, Counselors, School Staff, Principals, Assistant Principals, and other Education 
          ***NOTE: Due to Grant Requirements, only WRESA members and Burke County staff

CEUs:     3 Contact hours
Limit:    Unlimited Number of Participants

This informative, interactive, and highly-engaging session will explore the research that supports the importance of SEAL – Social, Emotional, and Academic practices in educators’ personal and professional development. Participants will l​earn how to implement SEAL strategies and build skills to use in the classrooms to actively engage students and prepare them to be successful in school, college, career, and life. Tools such as neuroscience, mindfulness, mindset, belonging, cultivating kindness, empathy, and compassion will be reviewed, and emphasis placed on how they play a critical role in building social, emotional, and academic skills while also enhancing school climate and culture. Dr. Hood is the Executive Operating Officer of Thriving YOUniversity. She has been a Teacher of the Year, Principal of the Year and National Presenter. Questions? Contact Carol Douglas at


Secondary Math and MTSS: What is my best approach for Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions?

Date:     September 13, 2022
Time:     9:00am - 3:00pm  

Location: Lenoir Rhyne (Asheville Location, Room 314, 315)
Cost:     WRESA Members and Burke County staff: No Cost thanks to the Dogwood Trust
          Non-members  : $75     

Audience: 6-12 Math Teachers and Instructional Coaches
Credit:   5 Contact Hours

Want to have fun while feeling like you have accomplished your goals? Come to this day-long professional development to develop your plans as you support middle and high school aged students.

Morning will be all grade levels as we address a simple routine that will develop critical aspects of number sense and that can make a huge difference in just one year.  

In the afternoon we will break out into Middle school/High school groups.  Middle school will focus on games and routines that build understanding of fractional ideas across number systems. You will learn how to leverage whole number understanding to build rational number reasoning.  High school will focus on teaching linear algebra conceptually and in a way that makes sense to students. They CAN pass the Math 1 assessment. 

Our presenter will be Valerie Faulkner, a special education teacher, who developed a focus in mathematics while teaching middle and high school students in Durham, NC  and supporting K-12 teachers in Wake County. She is a co-writer of NCDPI Math Foundations and is currently a Teaching Professor at NC State University in the College of Education. Stacy Eleczko is currently a middle school mathematics teacher in Wake County. She has served as a K-5 math coach and intervention teacher.  Questions: Contact April Spencer at



Where Do I Start? A Crash Course to Assist with Passing the Math CKT Test

Date:     August 14, 2024   (Note that the date changed from August 12th to August 14th)
Time:     9:00am-3:00pm
Sessions: 9:00-12:00 Session
          1:00- 3:00 Individual time to study and ask the presenter questions

Location: WRESA
          200 Ridgefield Ct, Suite 206 
          Asheville, NC 28806

Fee:      $45 WRESA Members
          $70 Non-Members

**NOTE: We have a No Refund policy for our WRESA courses. However, you
are welcome to send a colleague in your place. Contact LaDonna Sluder at or 828-774-5681 (ext 102) if you need to change the 
name of the person attending.

Audience: Beginning and Lateral Entry Teachers 
CEUs:     None
What to Bring: Your own device


By the end of the session, participants will:

  • Expand knowledge of the content covered on the Math CKT Test
  • Learn how to access study materials and resources
  • Examine and discuss sample questions from the practice exam
  • Work collaboratively to begin developing a study guide
  • Independently work through practice questions to access areas of strength and need

Allyson Scott just completed her third-year teaching 4th grade at West
Marion Elementary. She is passionate about helping students love learning
and finding new technology resources to use in the classroom. Outside of
school Allyson enjoys traveling, reading, and kayaking.

If you have additional questions, contact Candie Sellers

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.


Exploring Plant Genetics – Aug 2024

Date:     August 28, 2024   
Time:     9:00am – 3:00pm

Location: Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Ext. Center
          455 Research Drive
          Mills River, NC 28759
Cost:    Free and receive classroom materials/supplies to use in the future
Audience: K-12 teachers
Credit:   5 Contact Hours

The Mountain Horticultural Crops  Research and Extension Center is a 397-acre campus located just outside of Asheville and hosts a wide range of plant breeding programs. The Center has played a significant part in field research and numerous scientific achievements including the release of new varieties. Research is conducted on tomatoes, apples, ornamental landscaping crops, vegetables, peaches, biofuel crops, corn, soybeans, and even hops. The agricultural research projects continue to change to reflect the needs of our society and to address new challenges within the agricultural community of Western North Carolina. 

This one-day workshop will provide teachers with visits and interactions in the Research Station fields with faculty and graduate students involved with research on different varieties of plants. The morning will be filled with discussions, site visits, and activities exploring the research happening at Center. The afternoon will be spent in the classroom doing investigations related to the research and includes resources to take with you so you can implement in your classroom.

If you have questions about the workshop, contact Michelle Taylor at If you have questions about registration, contact LaDonna Sluder at 



STEM to Your Doorstep – Aug 2024

Date:     August 30th, 2024   
Time:     9:00am – 3:00pm
Type:     In-Person

Location: Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Ext. Center
          455 Research Drive
          Mills River, NC 28759
Cost:    $65 - WRESA Members
         $95 - Non-members 

**NOTE: We have a No Refund policy for our WRESA courses. However, you are welcome to send a
colleague in your place. Contact LaDonna Sluder at or 828-774-5681 (ext 102)
if you need to change the name of the person attending.

Audience: K-12 teachers
Credit:   5 Contact Hours
What to Bring:  Your own device

K-12 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics teachers, what do you need to boost the STEM curriculum in your schools?  How about free access to technology, resources and lab materials for use in the classroom? Now, the real question is how can you make this happen? You can participate in a day of training presented by The Science House of NC State University. You will use MacBooks, LabQuests and various probes to explore science and math concepts. After the training session, you will be eligible to participate in the equipment loan program through The Mountain Satellite Office of The Science House. Participants will be trained on equipment use and equipment implementation through the use of grade level activities.

If you have questions about the workshop, contact Michelle Taylor (828-206-3014 /

If you have questions about registration, contact LaDonna Sluder at WRESA (828-774-5681 ext 102 / )


Connecting the Dots – Principal as MTSS Leader

Type:      In-Person
Date:      July 13, 2022
Time:      9:00am-3:00pm

Location:  WCU at Biltmore Park (Room #336)
           28 Schenck Parkway
           Asheville, NC 28803 

Fee:       Free thanks to the Dogwood Trust Grant (See registration restrictions under "Audience")
CEUs:      5 Contact hours
Audience:  Principals, Assistant Principals, and other Education Leaders
           ***NOTE: Due to Grant Requirements, only WRESA Members and Burke County Staff are eligible to register
 for this workshop 
Limit:     40 Participants
Bring:     Participants need to bring a charged device and access to school data

For the MTSS framework to be implemented successfully, principals must lead, communicate, and participate in most areas of the work. Principals must understand their influence on the quality of student-level instruction and the systems-level problem-solving needed to grow both.  This training will focus on connecting the dots of how best practice is woven throughout the MTSS framework. For further information, please contact Jill Chambers at

Presenter:  Jill Chambers

Jill Chambers is the MTSS Support Coordinator at WRESA. She is the former Haywood County principal of Riverbend Elementary School.  Riverbend is a two time Blue Ribbon School, a four time Title I Distinguished School finalist, and has performed in the top one percent of Title I schools in the state for a decade.   With over thirty years of educational experience, she strives to help schools understand how the best practices recommended through a MTSS school improvement framework support student achievement. 


Mentor Training

Date:     September 10, 2024
Time:     9:00am-3:00pm
Location: WRESA
          200 Ridgefield Ct, Suite 206 
          Asheville, NC 28806

Fee:      $45 WRESA Members
          $70 Non-Members

**NOTE: We have a No Refund policy for our WRESA courses. However, you
are welcome to send a colleague in your place. Contact LaDonna Sluder at or 828-774-5681 (ext 102) if you need to change the 
name of the person attending.

Audience: Current mentors who need/want more in-depth training then a
          refresher course and future mentors
CEUs:     5 Contact Hours
What to Bring: A Charged device


The North Carolina 21st Century Mentoring course provides mentors with the skills and knowledge needed to support beginning teachers. This course is built around the North Carolina Mentor Standards which are aligned with the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards and provides direction in how mentors can support beginning teachers in each of the teacher standards. All North Carolina students deserve effective teachers. This course helps mentors in implementing best practices for guiding beginning teachers to reach their fullest potential and is an opportunity for mentors to collaborate with others in the region in face-to-face training.  Angie Eudy, the Regional Education Facilitator from NCDPI, will be leading this workshop.


Angie Eudy, the Regional Education Facilitator will be leading the workshop.

If you have questions, contact April at

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.


National Board Support for New Candidates and Renewals

Date:     Sept 14, 2024    
Time:     Morning Session:    9:00am – 12:00pm
          Afternoon Session: 1:00pm -  3:00pm 
Type:     In-Person

Location: WRESA   
          200 Ridgefield Ct, Suite 206
          Asheville, NC 28806

Fee:      $20 WRESA Members  (per session)
          $40 Non-members    (per session)

CEUs:     2.5 Contact Hours (each session) - if district accepts them
Limit:    50 Participants
Audience: National Board New and Renewal Candidates

Morning Session:  Come spend the morning learning about the National Board process for new candidates. Lynn Carter, our own NBCT expert will go over all the details and provide you with a timeline and resources to be successful. This workshop will be 9:00 am – 12:00 pm.

Afternoon Session: The afternoon session will be from 1:00 pm -3:00 pm and will be for those NBCTs who are getting ready to renew. They will have an opportunity to discuss this process and begin thinking about the entries and accomplishments that would work best.

Presenter:  Lynn Carter will facilitate both sessions with her wealth of knowledge about the process.

For more information, contact April at, 828.774. 5681 ext 103

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.