The Science of Reading: **5-Part Series**

Date:              September – December, 2021  (Fall Session)

Time:             Available At Your Convenience

Audience:     K-5

Cost:             $45 for WRESA Members

                      $65 for Non-Members

Credit:          5 Contact Hours

Each participant must submit a final summary after viewing all 5 webinars to receive 5 hours of credit for the course.  Summaries should be sent to LaDonna Sluder at  

This course is designed as a follow up from the Introduction to the Science of Reading led by NCCAT Early Grades Literacy Specialist, Gin Hodge.  Participants will dig deeper into each of the five components of high quality reading instruction and will explore resources to support the explicit instruction of each component during face to face instruction as well as virtual instruction.  This self-paced, five hour course will dedicate a session to phonological and phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, oral language and vocabulary, and comprehension.  

Target audience: K-5 grades (Must View all 5 Sessions to Receive Credit) There will be a one hour webinar each month.  Each participant will submit a brief summary to receive full credit. There are no prerequisite requirements for this course.  

Presenter: Cindy Hutchins Instructional Coach Buncombe County Schools.

Cindy taught fourth and second grade at W.W. Estes Elementary school for five years before becoming an Instructional Coach for Buncombe County Schools for the past five years. She is passionate about the Science of Reading and progress in the area of neuroscience related to how children learn to read.

If you have further questions, please contact Candie Sellers:**

*** IMPORTANT NOTE:  Prior to registering, we encourage you to watch the registration help videos if you haven’t taken an Online Course with WRESA or if you need a refresher on the process.  Follow the directions below to view one of the videos:

1)  If you DO NOT have a WRESA account (which means you have not taken an online course with us), click on the following help video for registering and enrolling as a New User: Help Video for a New User to setup New Email/Password.

2)  If you have taken an online course with us previously and already have a WRESA account, click on the following help video for a Returning User: Help Video for a Returning User to add the course to your WRESA Account Profile.

REGISTRATION is CLOSED for the Fall Session

Anxiety in the Classroom

Anxiety in the Classroom – How Educators Can Support Students with Anxiety Disorders
Date:     Dec 8, 2021   
Time:     9:00am to 3:00pm
Type:     In-person

Location: Asheville Event Center
          291 Sweeten Creek Road
          Asheville NC 28803
Cost:     WRESA Members: No Cost thanks to Dogwood Health Trust
          Non-Members:   $85
Limit:    50 Participants
Credit:   5 Contact Hours

More than 13 percent of students (1 in 8) experience significant anxiety that limits their engagement in school and in relationships. Anxiety conditions – separation anxiety, social anxiety, phobias, and generalized anxiety – are the most prevalent mental issues, and they often go unnoticed. But the impact on the students is significant.

During this one-day program, Mike Paget, M.Ed. gives teachers, counselors and other professionals the tools to support and teach this high-potential portion of the student population while avoiding an unmanageable classroom environment. The workshop will focus on verbal strategies that support vs. escalate as well as classroom routines that unintentionally escalate emotions of a student with anxiety. If you have questions, email April Spencer at


Registration is Closed/Full

Personalizing for Success

Date:  Friday, Nov 10,2021
Time:  9:00am - 3:00pm
Type:  In-person 

A-B Tech Ferguson Allied Health Workforce Development Building, Room 431
10 Genevieve Circle
Asheville, NC 28801

Fee:       $45 WRESA members    $65 Non-members
Credit:    5 Contact Hours

Participants in this session will explore North Carolina’s 4 pillars of personalized learning and apply them to create resources for their classrooms including learner profiles, data trackers, learning paths and more. Resources and exemplars will be shared from teachers across North Carolina. Strategies for designing and managing a face-to-face personalized learning classroom will be shared and tips for flexing to remote learning will also be discussed. Bring a laptop or Chromebook and a copy of a lesson that you plan to teach soon to work with during this session. This session will count towards your digital learning competencies. Stacy Lovdahl, our Digital Teaching and Learning Teacher on Loan, will be leading this workshop. If you have questions, email April Spencer at


AI: Artificial Intelligence Questions Examined Through “Klara and the Sun” – Online Book Study

Type:  Online and Self-Paced

Cost:  $45 - WRESA Members
       $70 - Non-members 

Credits: 10 Contact Hours

We will examine areas of thought related to the use of artificial intelligence through the use of a fictional story “Klara and The Sun” by Kazuo Ishiguro. This book examines a fictional scenario involving an “Artificial Friend” and her family. You will submit your responses to questions based upon the 5 sections of the book. This is self paced. You will be responsible for purchasing the book.

For more information, please contact Jan Webster at

***IMPORTANT NOTE:  Prior to registering, we encourage you to watch one of the registration help videos if you haven’t taken an Online Course with WRESA or if you need a refresher on the process.  Follow the directions below to view one of the videos:

1)  If you DO NOT have a WRESA account (which means you have not taken an online course with us), click on the following help video for how to register and enroll as a New User: Help Video for a New User.

2)  If you have taken an online course with us previously and already have a WRESA account, click on the following help video for how to add a course to your account as a Returning User: Help Video for a Returning User.

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.



ACT Prep Course for Students Registration

ACT Prep Course for Students Registration


Foundations of Reading: Test Preparation Registration Form

Register below. If you are a New User you will enter an email and password in the form below and then submit. Please record your email and password for future reference.

If you are a returning user to WRESA Online Learning and have an email and password that you have used, please scroll down and choose the Returning User registration. You will need your email and password. Login in the upper left corner, then complete the registration form. 

If you have questions, please contact or 828-774-5681 ext. 102.

New User:

Foundations of Reading Test Preparation New User

Returning User:

(You have previously registered for a WRESA Online Learning Course and have a username and password. Please login with your username and password in the top left corner and then proceed.)

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STEM to Your Doorstep – Aug 2021

Date:         August 5, 2021

Time:        9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Location: Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center 

Address:  455 Research Drive, Mills River, NC  28759

Cost:         $65

Audience: K-12th grade teachers

K-12 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics teachers, what do you need to boost the STEM curriculum in your schools?  How about free access to technology, resources, and lab materials for use in the classroom? Now, the real question is how can you make this happen? You can participate in a day of training presented by The Science House of NC State University. You will use MacBooks, LabQuests, and various probes to explore science and math concepts. After the training session, you will be eligible to participate in the equipment loan program through The Mountain Satellite Office of The Science House. Participants will be trained on equipment use and equipment implementation through the use of grade-level activities. If you have questions about the workshop, contact Michelle Benigno (828-206-3014 / If you have questions about registration, contact LaDonna Sluder at WRESA (  Contact Hours: 5



STEM Tool Training: Spheros and Virtual Reality Goggles

Date:          August 3, 2021

Time:         9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Location:  Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center 

Address:   455 Research Drive, Mills River, NC  28759

Cost:           $65 

Audience: K-12th grade teachers

Do you have questions about how to use Spheros or VR Goggles? Join us for an introduction to the Spheros and VR Goggles which will include troubleshooting and safety practices. Participants will be trained on equipment use and equipment implementation through the use of grade-level activities. If you have questions about the workshop, contact Michelle Benigno (828-206-3014 / If you have questions about registration, contact LaDonna Sluder at WRESA ( Contact hours: 5

Registration- full

Using Makey Makey to Target Invention Literacy

Date:           August 4, 2021

Time:          9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Location:  Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center 

Address:   455 Research Drive, Mills River, NC  28759

Cost:           $85

Audience: K-12th grade teachers

Join us for a day of exploration and invention using a device called a Makey Makey. With the Makey Makey, students can make any conductive material act as the input device for a computer. Because it comes preprogrammed, students with no coding experience can use and learn to experiment with it as they start to learn to code. Capitalize on the maker movement in your classroom. Teachers joining us will be able to check out Makey Makey kits to use in their classrooms. If you register before July 1, your registration fee includes a Makey Makey device. If you have questions about the workshop, contact Michelle Benigno (828-206-3014 / If you have questions about registration, contact LaDonna Sluder at WRESA ( Contact hours: 5


Online Book Study – Digital Leadership: Changing Paradigms for Changing Times Registration

Register below. If you are a New User you will enter an email and password in the form below and then submit. Please record your email and password for future reference.

If you are a returning user to WRESA Online Learning and have an email and password that you have used, please scroll down and choose the Returning User Registration. You will need your email and password. Login in the upper left corner, then complete the registration form. 

If you have questions, please contact or 828-774-5681 ext. 102.

New User:

Online Book Study - Digital Leadership: Changing Paradigms for Changing Times: New User

Returning User:

(You have previously registered for a WRESA Online Learning Course and have a username and password. Please login with your username and password in the top left corner then proceed.)

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