Early Planning for a Successful Retirement: May 2025

Date:     May 8, 2025
Time:     9:00am - 3:00pm

          200 Ridgefield Ct, Suite 206
          Asheville, NC 28806

FEE:      $45 WRESA Members
          $70 Non-members 

LIMIT:    40 Participants

This one-day session focuses on teachers/administrators who have taught 0 – 30 years and want assistance with critical retirement information and decision making before they retire.  This session will review the implications and repercussions of early-mid career decisions, laws, policies and processes, benefit options and investment plans.  Whether you are just starting your career or close to the end- you will learn how to maximize your benefits and be ready to make better decisions for the future. The workshop will be conducted by Mr. Ayers, April Spencer and Deborah Rapetski.  You will leave the day tired, but much better informed.

If you have questions, contact April at aspencer@wresa.org

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.