Leading the Way: School Administrators and the IDEA

Date:     September 9, 2025 (Rescheduled from the Original December 10, 2024 date)
Time:     9:00am – 3:00pm 
Type:     In-Person

Location: WRESA
          200 Ridgefield Ct, Suite 206 
          Asheville, NC 28806

Fee:      No Fee
Audience: K-12 School Administrators
CEUS:     5 Contact Hours  


This full-day professional development seeks to challenge aspiring administrators and school
administrators to examine the impact of their leadership on the educational and functional
outcomes of students with disabilities within their schools. The session will address the many
facets that face school administrators as they lead schools that support the education of
students with disabilities, such as the impact of their leadership on the instruction, curriculum
and environment for students with disabilities within their schools.
During the session we will examine implementation of IDEA and NC Policies through a
leadership style and school culture lens. We will provide support for administrators in
deepening their understanding of state and federal IDEA regulations as well as implementation
of specially designed instruction, services and programs for students with disabilities.

Teri Queen currently serves as the Northwest and Western Region Literacy Consultant for the
North Carolina Public Schools Office of Exceptional Children for the Program Improvement and
Professional Development section. In this role, she facilitates building capacity and
sustainability of the NC State Improvement Project grant through systems level coaching. In
addition to providing guidance in the data driven continuous improvement needs, she works
with professional, parent, and service organizations and Institutions of Higher Education to
promote appropriate public education and improved services for students with disabilities for
North Carolina Public Schools and private Universities. Teri has previously served as an
Exceptional Children Director, EC Program Specialist, EC Instructional Facilitator, Federal
Programs Coordinator, Exceptional Children Transition Specialist, Accountability Coordinator
and an Exceptional Children Teacher in North Carolina and Virginia over the course of 26 years.

Kelly Doppke is an IDEA Consultant for the Western Region with the Office of Exceptional
Children, where she provides regional support to EC leadership and school teams in LEAs and
Charters across the area. Originally from South Carolina, Kelly moved to Western North Carolina
with her family in 2007. She holds an undergraduate degree in Elementary, Early Childhood,
and Special Education from Lander University, a Master of Education from Southern Wesleyan
University, and a Post-Master’s Certificate in School Administration from Western Carolina
Kelly’s favorite job, aside from her current role, was serving as a camp counselor at Camp
Spearhead, a camp for children and adults with special needs in upstate South Carolina.
Throughout her career as a teacher, program specialist, and EC director, Kelly developed a deep
passion for creating inclusive systems for students with disabilities. Her leadership focus is on
reducing exclusionary practices for students with challenging behaviors and finding ways to
ensure equitable opportunities for all students.

Traci Royal currently serves as the IDEA Consultant for the Northwest region with the Office of
Exceptional Children. In this role, she directly supports EC Directors and Charter Coordinators
and their staff through professional development, coaching, and technical assistance in all areas
related to the provision of special education services as well as overall program evaluation and
improvement. Traci serves on the NW Regional Support Team as well. Prior to transitioning to
NCDPI in this role in 2020, Traci served in both small and large school districts as an elementary
and high school EC teacher across multiple educational settings, assistant EC Director, EC
Director, and Executive EC Director.

If you have additional questions, contact Candie Sellers  csellers@wresa.org

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.


WRESA Science Collaborative: New Support Document Sharing for Grades 5-12

Date:     February 6, 2025  or March 6, 2025       
Time:     9:00am – 3:00pm 
Type:     In-Person

Location: WRESA   
          200 Ridgefield Ct, Suite 206
          Asheville, NC 28806

Fee:      $25  WRESA Members  
          $50  Non-members

**NOTE: We have a No Refund policy for our WRESA courses. However, you
are welcome to send a colleague in your place. Contact LaDonna Sluder 
at lsluder@wresa.org or 828-774-5681 (ext 102) if you need to change
the name of the person attending.

CEUs:     5 Contact Hours 
Audience: Grades 5-12 Science Educators


In response to the new North Carolina Science Standards for Grades 5 – 12, WRESA has partnered with NCCAT and has recruited a team of regional science education professionals to create science support documents. This session aims to acclimate science teachers to these new resources. Participants in this session will do the following:

  • Understanding the New Standards: Delve into the key changes and expectations outlined in the updated science standards.

  • Essential Resources: Discover a curated collection of teaching materials, lesson plans, and activities aligned with the new standards.

  • Effective Implementation Strategies: Learn practical tips and strategies for integrating the new standards into your classroom curriculum.

  • Addressing Common Challenges: Explore potential obstacles and discuss effective solutions.

  • Jennifer Redfearn, NCCAT’s Senior Stem Specialist and members of her team will share the new resources and be available to answer questions you might have.

Presenter:  Jennifer Redfearn, Senior Stem Specialist at NCCAT

***NOTE:  WE ARE OFFERING THIS TWICE SO THAT MEMBERS OF THE REGION HAVE A CHOICE AS TO WHEN TO ATTEND THIS TRAINING FOR GRADES 5-12 SCIENCE EDUCATORS.  You have the option of registering for the February 6th, 2025 course, OR, for the March 6th, 2025 course.

For more information, contact April at aspencer@wresa.org

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.


Amie Dean – Behavior Interventions that Work – March 2025

Date:     March 21, 2025  
Time:     9:00am – 3:00pm 
Type:     In-Person

Location: Western Carolina University
          Health and Human Sciences Building 
          3971 Little Savannah Road 
          Cullowhee, NC 28723

Fee:      $25  
          NCNTSP Participants: FREE-Contact your BT Coordinator for code

**NOTE: We have a No Refund policy for our WRESA courses. However, you
are welcome to send a colleague in your place. Contact LaDonna Sluder at
lsluder@wresa.org or 828-774-5681 (ext 102) if you need to change the 
name of the person attending.

CEUs:     5 Contact Hours 
Audience: K-12 Teachers
What to Bring: A charged device           


Through teaching and coaching in classrooms with many behavioral challenges for almost 30 years, Amie knows what works to help students succeed. Her goals have always included helping students build confidence, promoting social emotional literacy, and teaching positive habits that will help them be successful adults. The strategies shared in this course are practical, simple, and proven. Behavior Interventions that Work is Amie’s most requested course.

Topics covered in this course:

  • Setting up a classroom system
  • Setting up a positive classroom community
  • Purpose of behavior
  • Building motivation in your students
  • Dealing with defiance and maintaining self-control
  • Consistency – Setting up a Classroom Discipline Cycle
  • Minimizing noise with group contingencies

Presenter: Amie Dean

Amie is also the author of four books, including her workbook, Your Roadmap for Creating a Positive Classroom Community, which includes over 200 pages of strategies and ideas for building a positive classroom community and responding to behavior. She has worked with thousands of teachers across the U. S. and is thrilled to work with Western Carolina University and WRESA!

If you have additional questions, contact Jill Chambers at jchambers@wresa.org 

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.


Leading Through a Trusting Culture

Date: March 18, 2025 
Time: 9:00 -3:00
Type: In -Person

Location: WRESA
200 Ridgefield Ct., Suite 206
Asheville, NC 28806

Fee: $60.00 WRESA Member
     $85.00 Non-WRESA Member

**NOTE: We have a No Refund policy for our WRESA courses. However, you are welcome to send a
colleague in your place. Contact LaDonna Sluder at lsluder@wresa.org or 828-774-5681 (ext 102)
if you need to change the name of the person attending.

CEUs: 5 Contact hours
Limit: 50 Participants
Audience: K-12 Administrators, Aspiring Administrators, School Improvement Teams
What to Bring: A charged device

Description: A culture of trust within any organization is key. It not only enhances team unity and strength but empowers employees to take ownership of their roles and ultimately build a stronger school. However, trust doesn’t just happen. Developing a culture of trust requires deliberate actions taken by the school’s leadership and nourishing healthy relationships throughout the school community.


Sid Bailey, Arizona Department of Education Associate Superintendent

Sid Bailey, is the Associate Superintendent Educator Leadership and will lead the effort for the School Safety Program; Certification; Educator Recruitment and Retention (Principal Academy); Title II and school discipline (classroom management development) and the Charter School Program. In his 40-plus year career, Bailey served as Principal for 14 years in two different High Schools. Both received national attention for academic success. He was Director of AZ. Leads (leadership development) for ADE for 3.5 years; Director of Leadership Development for the Arizona Charter Schools Association for more than 6 years; Adjunct professor for Grand Canyon University and an Independent Educational Consultant assisting schools, several of whom were in need of academic turnaround. He holds a B.A. in History, Government and Political Science, Masters in Special Education and an Administrative Certificate from Northern Arizona University.

Jim Saltz, Leadership and Improvement Specialist.

Jim Saltz is a Leadership and Improvement Specialist at Ed Direction. He enjoys working with schools and seeks the challenge of implementing data-driven school improvement strategies without sacrificing the quest for a positive, nurturing school culture. With over thirty years of educational experience, Jim has dynamically led schools and programs by promoting a success-oriented culture that transcends tests over time. Described as a visionary, Jim strives to assist organizations in building capacity so that schools can function at the highest level so the learning community will have both immediate and sustained impact.

Jane Williams, School Turnaround and Human Behavior Specialist

Jane is a Director at Ed Direction, a K-12 Public Education practice. She is a veteran educator with 30 years of experience in the NC public school system serving as a teacher (5-time TOY), athletic coach, Principal, and district administrator. She co-chaired a task force that created the first Alternative School in the district and was Chairperson of the County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Council for 5 years.

As Vice-President of Prevention Services for a private, non-profit substance abuse agency in Winston-Salem, NC she grew the practice from a staff of five which served three NC counties to a staff of forty that provided services to youth, families, schools, and communities in 14 counties. As an educational consultant for New View Publications for 12 years, Jane had the opportunity to partner with businesses, community agencies, and schools in numerous states throughout the US.

If you have additional questions, contact Candie Sellers at csellers@wresa.org.

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.


Innovation and Ethics: AI in Education

Date: March 25, 2025   

Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm

Type: In-Person


Location: WRESA   

          200 Ridgefield Ct, Suite 206

          Asheville, NC 28806


Fee: $45 WRESA Members

          $70 Non-members 


**NOTE: We have a No Refund policy for our WRESA courses. However, you are welcome to send a colleague in your place.

Contact LaDonna Sluder at lsluder@wresa.org or 828-774-5681 (ext 102) if you need to change the name of the person attending.


CEUs:     .5 Contact Hours 

Limit:    40 Participants


Audience: K-12 Educators 

What to bring? Your own device

Description: This professional development day will explore how artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming education, focusing on innovative tools and approaches to enhance teaching and learning. Alongside these opportunities, we’ll explore ethical concerns and potential pitfalls associated with AI use in education and the role of educators in ensuring responsible implementation. Through interactive discussions, hands-on activities, and real-world case studies, educators will gain practical knowledge to integrate AI effectively while navigating its challenges.

Presenter:  Ian Selig passionately advocates for high-quality education and leverages instructional technology to enhance learning outcomes. As a former high school science teacher and now a Learning Technologist and Adjunct Instructor at Western Carolina University, he collaborates with faculty to design engaging instruction that empowers learners to surpass expectations.

A recognized leader in artificial intelligence (AI) in education, Ian has published work on AI literacy, spearheads innovative approaches to AI in instructional design, and speaks nationally to educators and business leaders about the future of learning.

If you have additional questions, contact Jill Chambers at   jchambers@wresa.org


Exploring Plant Genetics – Aug 2024

Date:     August 28, 2024   
Time:     9:00am – 3:00pm

Location: Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Ext. Center
          455 Research Drive
          Mills River, NC 28759
Cost:    Free and receive classroom materials/supplies to use in the future
Audience: K-12 teachers
Credit:   5 Contact Hours

The Mountain Horticultural Crops  Research and Extension Center is a 397-acre campus located just outside of Asheville and hosts a wide range of plant breeding programs. The Center has played a significant part in field research and numerous scientific achievements including the release of new varieties. Research is conducted on tomatoes, apples, ornamental landscaping crops, vegetables, peaches, biofuel crops, corn, soybeans, and even hops. The agricultural research projects continue to change to reflect the needs of our society and to address new challenges within the agricultural community of Western North Carolina. 

This one-day workshop will provide teachers with visits and interactions in the Research Station fields with faculty and graduate students involved with research on different varieties of plants. The morning will be filled with discussions, site visits, and activities exploring the research happening at Center. The afternoon will be spent in the classroom doing investigations related to the research and includes resources to take with you so you can implement in your classroom.

If you have questions about the workshop, contact Michelle Taylor at mtbenign@ncsu.edu. If you have questions about registration, contact LaDonna Sluder at lsluder@wresa.org 



Business Externships

Experience our Businesses Virtually:

Virtual Career Exploration

Name Type
Andy Taylor FordAutomotive
Army National GuardMilitary Services
Bascom GalleryNonprofit-Arts
Blue Ridge Mountain ElectricElectric/Broadband
Deal FarmsAgriculture
Doug Taylor Electrical ContractingContracting
Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians Office of Natural ResourcesGovernment
Harris Regional HospitalHealthcare
Highlands Aerial ParkOutdoor Recreation
John C. Campbell Folk SchoolNonprofit-Arts
Kanini's Restaurant and CateringHospitality, Restaurant
Laurel Ridge Country ClubHospitality
Mainspring Conservation TrustNonprofit-environmental
Nantahala Outdoor CenterRecreation
Rikki Tikki TeesRetail, manufacturing
Sunburst TroutRetail, Agriculture
Wehrloom Honey and MeaderyRetail, Manufacturing, Agriculture
Ward's Plumbing and HeatingHome Services

Andy Shaw Ford Career Spotlight


Andy Shaw Ford Virtual Tour 

PowerPoint Andy Shaw Ford


Army National Guard Career Spotlight


PowerPoint Army National Guard


The Bascom

PowerPoint The Bascom Gallery


BRMEMC Career Spotlight


PowerPoint BRMEMC


Deal Family Farms

PowerPoint   Deal Farms

Doug Taylor Electric, LLC

PowerPoint Doug Taylor Electric


EBCI Natural Resources Career Spotlight


PowerPoint    Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians Office of Natural Resources

Harris Hospital Career Spotlight

PowerPoint Harris Regional Hospital

Highlands Aerial Career Spotlight

PowerPoint   Highlands Ariel Park

John C Campbell Folk School Career Spotlight


PowerPoint John C. Campbell Folk School


Kanini’s Restaurant and Catering Spotlight Tour


Kanini’s Restaurant Virtual Tour

PowerPoint Kanini’s Restaurant


Laurel Ridge Country Club and Event Center Career Spotlight


PowerPoint Laurel Ridge Country Club


Mainspring Career Spotlight


PowerPoint  Mainspring Conservation Trust


Murphy Rehabilitation & Nursing Career Spotlight


Murphy Rehabilitation and Nursing Virtual Tour

NOC Career Spotlight


NOC Virtual Tour


PowerPoint Nantahala Outdoor Center

Rikki Tikki Tees

PowerPoint Rikki Tikki Tees


Sunburst Trout Farms Career Spotlight

PowerPoint   Sunburst Trout

Tektone Career Spotlight

Tektone Virtual Tour

PowerPoint TekTone Sound

Ward Plumbing, Heating & Air Career Spotlight

Ward Plumbing, Heating & Air Virtual Tour


PowerPoint Ward Plumbing, Heating, & Air


Wehrloom Honey and Meadery

Video Coming Soon

PowerPoint The Original Wehrloom Honey and Meadery

AI: Artificial Intelligence Questions Examined Through “Klara and the Sun” – Online Book Study

Type:  Online and Self-Paced

Cost:  $45 - WRESA Members
       $70 - Non-members 

Credits: 10 Contact Hours

We will examine areas of thought related to the use of artificial intelligence through the use of a fictional story “Klara and The Sun” by Kazuo Ishiguro. This book examines a fictional scenario involving an “Artificial Friend” and her family. You will submit your responses to questions based upon the 5 sections of the book. This is self paced. You will be responsible for purchasing the book.

For more information, please contact Jan Webster at jwebster@wresa.org

***IMPORTANT NOTE:  Prior to registering, we encourage you to watch one of the registration help videos if you haven’t taken an Online Course with WRESA or if you need a refresher on the process.  Follow the directions below to view one of the videos:

1)  If you DO NOT have a WRESA account (which means you have not taken an online course with us), click on the following help video for how to register and enroll as a New User: Help Video for a New User.

2)  If you have taken an online course with us previously and already have a WRESA account, click on the following help video for how to add a course to your account as a Returning User: Help Video for a Returning User.

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.



Online Book Study: Designing and Implementing Performance Tasks and Projects

Date:              Ongoing

Cost:              Free        WRESA Members 

                        $65.00   Non-WRESA Members

Type:             Online Book Study 

Hours:          20 contact hours

Participants will need to purchase the book prior to starting the course.

Eric Carbaugh, co-author of the book titled: Designing Authentic Performance Tasks and Projects: Tools for Meaningful Learning and Assessment  will take you through this course using the book as a guide.

This course, focused on the book Designing Authentic Performance Tasks and Projects: Tools for Meaningful Learning and Assessment, addresses the design and implementation of authentic performance tasks and projects. Throughout the course, you’ll learn about many practical tools to help you integrate these learning and assessment strategies into the fabric of your classroom. In addition to the modules devoted to the design of tasks, projects, and rubrics, you’ll also explore how to differentiate these tasks, teach in a performance-based classroom, and overcome common management challenges. The last chapter is devoted to creating a performance-based curriculum.

By completing this course, participants will:

  • Design meaningful and authentic learning experiences and assessments
  • Create tools to evaluate student work
  • Differentiate tasks and projects for student interest or readiness
  • Understand key instructional shifts in performance-based classrooms
  • Effectively manage student work
  • Explore opportunities for a performance-based curriculum

These modules include a collection of reflection questions, activities, and/or job embedded tasks, which will ask you to apply strategies and tools to your own teaching.

For more information about this course, contact Candie Sellers at csellers@wresa.org.

   If you are interested in taking this online course, contact Candie Sellers 

The Science of Reading: 5 Part Online Series

Type:         Online and Ongoing
Time:         Self-Paced (Available At Your Convenience)

Cost:         $45 for WRESA Members
              $70 for Non-members

Credit:       5 Contact Hours 
Audience:     K-5  
Presenter:    Cindy Hutchins, Instructional Coach for Buncombe County Schools 


This course is designed as a follow up from the Introduction to the Science of Reading led by NCCAT Early Grades Literacy Specialist, Gin Hodge.  Participants will dig deeper into each of the five components of high quality reading instruction and will explore resources to support the explicit instruction of each component during face to face instruction as well as virtual instruction.  This self-paced, five hour course will dedicate a session to phonological and phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, oral language and vocabulary, and comprehension.  

Target audience: K-5 grades (Must View all 5 Sessions to Receive Credit).  There are no prerequisite requirements for this course. Each participant must submit a final summary after viewing all 5 webinars to receive 5 hours of credit for the course.  A good summary guideline to follow is roughly one paragraph for each webinar. Summaries should be sent to Candie Sellers at csellers@wresa.org .

Presenter: Cindy Hutchins Instructional Coach Buncombe County Schools.

Cindy taught fourth and second grade at W.W. Estes Elementary school for five years before becoming an Instructional Coach for Buncombe County Schools for the past five years. She is passionate about the Science of Reading and progress in the area of neuroscience related to how children learn to read.

If you have further questions, please contact Candie Sellers: csellers@wresa.org

***IMPORTANT NOTE:  Prior to registering, we encourage you to watch one of the registration help videos if you haven’t taken an Online Course with WRESA or if you need a refresher on the process.  Follow the directions below to view one of the videos:

1)  If you DO NOT have a WRESA account (which means you have not taken an online course with us), click on the following help video for how to register and enroll as a New User: Help Video for a New User.

2)  If you have taken an online course with us previously and already have a WRESA account, click on the following help video for how to add a course to your account as a Returning User: Help Video for a Returning User.

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.