Early Planning for a Successful Retirement: July 2025

Date:     July 16, 2025
Time:     9:00am - 3:00pm

          200 Ridgefield Ct, Suite 206
          Asheville, NC 28806

FEE:      $45 WRESA Members
          $70 Non-members 

LIMIT:    40 Participants

This one-day session focuses on teachers/administrators who have taught 0 – 30 years and want assistance with critical retirement information and decision making before they retire.  This session will review the implications and repercussions of early-mid career decisions, laws, policies and processes, benefit options and investment plans.  Whether you are just starting your career or close to the end- you will learn how to maximize your benefits and be ready to make better decisions for the future. The workshop will be conducted by Mr. Ayers, April Spencer and Deborah Rapetski.  You will leave the day tired, but much better informed.

If you have questions, contact April at aspencer@wresa.org

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.



Early Planning for a Successful Retirement: May 2025

Date:     May 8, 2025
Time:     9:00am - 3:00pm

          200 Ridgefield Ct, Suite 206
          Asheville, NC 28806

FEE:      $45 WRESA Members
          $70 Non-members 

LIMIT:    40 Participants

This one-day session focuses on teachers/administrators who have taught 0 – 30 years and want assistance with critical retirement information and decision making before they retire.  This session will review the implications and repercussions of early-mid career decisions, laws, policies and processes, benefit options and investment plans.  Whether you are just starting your career or close to the end- you will learn how to maximize your benefits and be ready to make better decisions for the future. The workshop will be conducted by Mr. Ayers, April Spencer and Deborah Rapetski.  You will leave the day tired, but much better informed.

If you have questions, contact April at aspencer@wresa.org

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.


Where Do I Start? A Crash Course to Assist with the CKT Praxis Exam (Math)

Date:     March 29, 2025 (Saturday)      
Time:     12:30 – 3:00pm 
Type:     In-Person

Location: WRESA   
          200 Ridgefield Ct, Suite 206
          Asheville, NC 28806

Fee:      $45  

**NOTE: We have a No Refund policy for our WRESA courses. However, you
are welcome to send a colleague in your place. Contact LaDonna Sluder
at lsluder@wresa.org or 828-774-5681 (ext 102) if you need to change
the name of the person attending.

CEUs:     None
Limit:    30 Participants
Audience: Beginning and Lateral Entry Teachers 
What to Bring: Your own device


By the end of this session, participants will:

  • Expand knowledge of the content covered on the Math Praxis/Praxis CKT exams
  • Examine and discuss sample questions from the practice exam
  • Learn how to access study materials and resources
  • Work collaboratively to begin developing a study guide
  • Independently work through practice questions to access areas of strength and need


Allyson Scott just completed her fourth-year teaching 4th grade at West Marion Elementary. She is passionate about helping students love learning and finding new technology resources to use in the classroom. Outside of school. Allyson enjoys traveling, reading, and kayaking.

If you have additional questions, contact Candie Sellers at csellers@wresa.org

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.    


Where Do I Start? A Crash Course to Assist with Passing the Foundations of Reading Exam

Date:     March 29, 2025 (Saturday)      
Time:     9:00am – 11:30am 
Type:     In-Person

Location: WRESA   
          200 Ridgefield Ct, Suite 206
          Asheville, NC 28806

Fee:      $45  

**NOTE: We have a No Refund policy for our WRESA courses. However, you
are welcome to send a colleague in your place. Contact LaDonna Sluder
at lsluder@wresa.org or 828-774-5681 (ext 102) if you need to change
the name of the person attending.

CEUs:     None
Limit:    30 Participants
Audience: Beginning and Lateral Entry Teachers 
What to Bring: Your own device

By the end of this session, participants will:

  • Expand knowledge of the content covered in the Foundations of Reading Exam
  • Learn how to access study materials and resources
  • Examine and discuss sample questions from the practice exam
  • Work collaboratively to begin developing a study guide
  • Independently work through practice questions to access areas of strength and need

Allyson Scott just completed her fourth-year teaching 4th grade at West Marion Elementary. She is passionate about helping students love learning and finding new technology resources to use in the classroom. Outside of school. Allyson enjoys traveling, reading, and kayaking.

Contact Candie Sellers at csellers@wresa.org with any questions.

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.    


Responsibility-Centered Discipline (RCD) Day #2: Advanced Skills

Date:     October 29, 2025
Time:     8:30am-3:30pm

Location: Location (To Be Determined)

Fee:      $ 50 WRESA Members
          $100 Non-members

**NOTE: We have a No Refund policy for our WRESA courses. However, you
are welcome to send a colleague in your place. Contact LaDonna Sluder
at lsluder@wresa.org or 828-774-5681 (ext 102) if you need to change
the name of the person attending.

CEUs:     6 Contact Hours
Limit:    65 Participants
Audience: Teachers, Principals, Assistant Principals, and other Educational Leaders
What to Bring? Your own device 


Building upon the foundational concepts introduced in RCD Day #1, RCD Day #2 dives deeper into the practical application of Responsibility-Centered Discipline (RCD) through scenario-based training and systemic solutions that support teachers, students, and administrators.

Key components of Day #2 include:

  • Scenario Training
  • Level Three: The Correction Process (Office Referrals)
  • Addressing Level 2 & 3 Students
  • RCD Implementation 

By the end of Day #2, participants will be equipped with actionable tools to reinforce responsibility-centered discipline, strengthen school-wide consistency, and improve student outcomes through proactive, solution-focused strategies.

Presenter: Larry Thompson, M.ED

Our presenter for the day is Larry Thompson. He is often called upon to deliver keynote presentations for state and national education conferences because of his knowledge, humor and passion for assisting today’s students. He has helped thousands of educators and schools break away from their traditional discipline models to a model that creates a responsible climate and responsible students. Larry has served in a wide variety of roles in education – from special education teacher to alternative and traditional high school principal. Larry understands that systems must be created that can be realistically implemented and sustained. 

For additional information/ questions contact Jill Chambers jchambers@wresa.org


Responsibility-Centered Discipline: 2025

Date:     September 23, 2025
Time:     8:30am-3:30pm

Location: Location (To Be Determined)

Fee:      $ 50 WRESA Members
          $100 Non-members

**NOTE: We have a No Refund policy for our WRESA courses. However, you
are welcome to send a colleague in your place. Contact LaDonna Sluder
at lsluder@wresa.org or 828-774-5681 (ext 102) if you need to change
the name of the person attending.

CEUs:     6 Contact Hours
Limit:    65 Participants
Audience: Teachers, Principals, Assistant Principals, and other Educational Leaders
What to Bring? Your own device 


Back for a third time due to its popularity, this session delves into the challenges of working with difficult students.  Working with demanding and disruptive students is not a new challenge for educators. However, there are current concerns being voiced regarding the changing nature and intensity of behaviors of these students. Some educators are reporting increases in selfish, manipulative, and hostile behaviors while others are noticing more students who are overly anxious and/or difficult to engage. Even well-season educators can sometimes have their “feathers ruffled” by certain students in certain situations. This seminar is designed to assist all educators with identifying and addressing these and other issues that affect the academic and behavioral progress of the students with whom they work. This power-packed seminar will provide you with up-to-date insights and strategies for reaching and helping those young people who seem to evoke the strongest feeling of frustration, hurt, and sometimes discouragement in professional educators. 

Presenter: Larry Thompson, M.ED

Our presenter for the day is Larry Thompson. He is often called upon to deliver keynote presentations for state and national education conferences because of his knowledge, humor and passion for assisting today’s students. He has helped thousands of educators and schools break away from their traditional discipline models to a model that creates a responsible climate and responsible students. Larry has served in a wide variety of roles in education – from special education teacher to alternative and traditional high school principal. Larry understands that systems must be created that can be realistically implemented and sustained. 

For additional information/ questions contact Jill Chambers jchambers@wresa.org



WRESA Regional AIG Credentials Course – 2025

Date:     July 23 & 24, 2025
Time:     9:00am-3:00pm 
Type:     In-person  

Location: WRESA
          200 Ridgefield Ct, Suite 206 
          Asheville, NC 28806

Fee:      $85 WRESA Members Only

**NOTE: We have a No Refund policy for our WRESA courses. However, you
are welcome to send a colleague in your place. Contact LaDonna Sluder
at lsluder@wresa.org or 828-774-5681 (ext 102) if you need to change
the name of the person attending.

Audience: K-12 Classroom Teachers, (Licensed AIG Specialists are welcome) 
CEUs: 10 Contact hours
What to Bring: Charged device


AIG Coordinators across the NC Western Region have recognized the need for classroom teachers to understand the unique characteristics and needs of gifted learners. In this 2-day course, teachers will review and understand their own district-specific Academically/Intellectually Gifted Services Plans. They will learn how to recognize the characteristics of gifted learners and understand their unique learning needs. Differentiation strategies for the regular classroom will be a focus and teachers will leave with tools for planning, working in PLCs, and using differentiation strategies in their classrooms.

Participants will receive a WRESA Regional AIG Credentials certificate. While it is important to note that this is not NC AIG Licensure, it will provide a practical level of knowledge and skill that will benefit gifted and advanced learners in classrooms across the region. These credentials will be recognized and accepted by the WRESA member school systems. Stephanie Knox, the AIG/Advanced Learning Lead Specialist for Buncombe County schools will be leading this workshop.

If you have additional questions, contact April Spencer aspencer@wresa.org

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.


Understanding Trauma-Informed Strategies and Expanding Resilience

Date:     June 17, 2025       
Time:     9:00am – 3:00pm 
Type:     In-Person

Location: WRESA   
          200 Ridgefield Ct, Suite 206
          Asheville, NC 28806

Fee:      $45  WRESA Members  
          $70  Non-members

**NOTE: We have a No Refund policy for our WRESA courses. However, you
are welcome to send a colleague in your place. Contact LaDonna Sluder
at lsluder@wresa.org or 828-774-5681 (ext 102) if you need to change
the name of the person attending.

CEUs:     5 Contact Hours 
Limit:    45 Participants
Audience: K-12 Educators
What to Bring: Your own device


Compassion Fatigue from students experiencing trauma is weighing on the hearts and minds of
educators. We are not therapists, so how can we respond to provide the best educational
experience to help our children learn and heal? This one-day interactive workshop will give you an
overview of trauma and the effects it can have on our students. We will explore adverse childhood
experiences (ACEs) and the research behind it, toxic stress and how our stress response system
works, and trauma’s impact on the brain. We will then go into resilience-building strategies for
schools and programs to consider as they work with students. The presenter will be from the NC
Center for Resilience and Learning.

If you have additional questions, contact Jill Chambers jchambers@wresa.org

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.    



WRESA’s 2025 STEM Conference

Date:     March 14, 2025
Time:     9:00am-3:30pm   

Location: NCCAT
          276 NCCAT Dr 
          Cullowhee, NC 28723

Fee:      $45 WRESA Members
          $70 Non-Members

**NOTE: We have a No Refund policy for our WRESA courses. However, you are welcome to send a
colleague in your place. Contact LaDonna Sluder at lsluder@wresa.org or 828-774-5681 (ext 102)
if you need to change the name of the person attending.

Audience: K-12 Educators passionate about enhancing STEM education!

CEUs:     5 Contact hours
What to Bring: Your own device


  • Empowering the Future of STEM by Fostering the Next Generation of Innovators!
  • Keynote Speaker:   Ange Mendez
  • Breakout: “Representation Matters: Building Confidence in Girls Through STEM”








Keynote Speaker Ange Mendez is an amazing young lady in her fourth year as a Chemical Engineer with a Biomolecular Concentration and a minor in Biotechnology at NC State University, As a first-generation Colombian American transfer student from New Jersey, Ange Mendez’s work at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), focused on researching targeted treatments for triple-negative breast cancer, has provided her with a unique and personal perspective on the intersection of molecular biology and chemical engineering. Given the aggressive nature of triple-negative breast cancer, her research has not only deepened her scientific understanding but also fueled her drive to make a meaningful impact on cancer treatment. Her experience highlights the importance of bridging academic knowledge with a desire to help others, especially in the face of something deeply personal.

Beyond her scientific work, Ange passionately advocates diversity and inclusion in STEM. As the Community Outreach Chair for the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, she has spearheaded initiatives to connect K-12 students with hands-on STEM activities and mentorship. Her involvement in the Society of Women Engineers further demonstrates her commitment to empowering women in STEM. She aims to create meaningful change in the pharmaceutical industry through her efforts, whether by developing vaccines, finding cures for rare diseases, or optimizing manufacturing processes.

Join Ange as she shares her journey, passions, and vision for inspiring the next generation of innovators. Her dedication to uplifting underrepresented communities and pushing the boundaries of scientific discovery will inspire you to do the same with your students, our future innovators.

🔬 Exciting Breakout Sessions – Just to name a few!  

  • Representation Matters: Building Confidence in Girls Through STEM
  • Hurricane Helene: A Worst-Case Scenario
  • Using Engineering to Explore Problem-Solving in the High School Classroom
  • Sea Turtle Prosthetic Party
  • Sea Turtle EED’s (Environmental Enrichment Devices)
  • STEM Beyond Borders: Expanding Knowledge from the Classroom to Global Awareness
  • Eco Explorers: Diving Into Hellbender Conservation
  • Reinforcing healthy living through STEM for elementary students
  • Talk Moves for Student Discourse in the STEM Classroom
  • Hack a Lesson! – Transforming STEM for Deeper Engagement
  • Indigenous STEM: Highlighting Traditional Science
  • Animation Engine: AI Empowered Creativity

If you have additional questions, contact Candie Sellers at csellers@wresa.org

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.


Unlocking Word Power: Proven Strategies for Success

Date:     March 12, 2025       
Time:     9:00am – 3:00pm 
Type:     In-Person

Location: WRESA   
          200 Ridgefield Ct, Suite 206
          Asheville, NC 28806

Fee:      $45  WRESA Members  
          $70  Non-members

**NOTE: We have a No Refund policy for our WRESA courses. However, you
are welcome to send a colleague in your place. Contact LaDonna Sluder
at lsluder@wresa.org or 828-774-5681 (ext 102) if you need to change
the name of the person attending.

CEUs:     5 Contact Hours 
Audience: 3-8 Educators and Coaches
What to Bring: Your own device


Join us for a transformative session dedicated to unraveling the intricacies of the lower
strand of The Reading Rope: word recognition. Delve into the essential components of
phonological awareness, decoding, and sight recognition of familiar words, crucial for
building proficient readers. Explore how the science of reading informs teaching strategies
for word recognition, ensuring alignment with evidence-based practices. Gain invaluable
insights into shifting instructional approaches to cultivate accuracy, fluency, and automaticity
in young readers and discover what effective instruction in word recognition entails when
it’s aligned with the Science of Reading. This session is designed for literacy leaders,
administrators, and instructional coaches. Participants will leave with a literacy guide that
outlines look fors, red flags, and coaching moves to propel instruction forward in your building.

Presenter: Cindy Hutchins is a district wide literacy coach for Buncombe County
Schools. She has previous experience as a classroom teacher, reading specialist, and
instructional coach. As a product of Buncombe County Schools, she is passionate
about literacy in WNC and believes that every student has the right to read.

If you have additional questions, contact Candie Sellers at csellers@wresa.org

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.