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2023 Summer Leadership Conference Information
WRESA and NCSSA are excited to announce the 2023 Summer Leadership Conference, “Reaching Higher”. The conference will be held at the Biltmore DoubleTree in Asheville, NC June 21-23, 2023. Our focus will be on leading our schools so our students can reach higher to excel and achieve their goals and dreams.
Keynote Speakers:
Troy Kemp:
Troy Kemp is a passionate, award-winning educator, coach, speaker, and transformational leader. Mr. Kemp was raised as one of 6 children, in a single parent, migrant worker’s home in Riverhead, NY. The former collegiate football player’s education includes earning a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Colgate University and a master’s degree in independent school leadership from Vanderbilt’s Peabody College.
Troy’s career includes spending 27 years on the faculty at McCallie, an all-boys school in Chattanooga, Tennessee. At McCallie, Mr. Kemp served as a teacher, dorm parent and administrator, while coaching his teams to a state championship in football and eight titles in lacrosse. After a year of serving as associate headmaster at McCallie, Troy became the founding executive director of the National Center for the Development of Boys (NCDB). The NCDB was established to improve the lives of boys by providing resources and programs for parents, teachers, mentors and organizations committed to helping with their learning and development as they journey to manhood.
In 2019, Troy joined the staff of the Ron Clark Academy (RCA), in South Atlanta. At RCA, Mr. Kemp serves as the Director of Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships and an educator trainer during the school’s professional development events. Through his business, Troy Kemp Speaks, Mr. Kemp continues to provide keynotes, seminars and professional development for individuals and organizations around the world. To date, his virtual and in-person events have reached over 40,000 parents, educators, coaches, counselors, mentors, members of law enforcement and professional sports organizations in 40 states and 5 countries.
Debbie Silver:
Dr. Debbie Silver is a knowledgeable, funny, boldly authentic speaker, author, and educator. She has dedicated her life to understanding learning and growth behavior and has become a world-renowned and empowering speaker. Through her research, her outreach, and her humor, Debbie seeks to help teachers find the joy in the daily job of teaching, so that children can embrace the satisfaction and pride of knowledge, growth, and self-worth.
With 30 years spent as a teacher, staff development instructor, and university professor, Dr. Silver doesn’t just know her way around the classroom – she is deeply familiar with the challenges educators face at every level, from kindergarten through college.
One of the nation’s most popular keynote speakers and professional development presenters, this former Louisiana State Teacher of the Year has given presentations around the world (including 49 states, Canada, Mexico, Europe, the Middle East, Australia, Africa, and Asia), helping audiences to interact with students on a more meaningful level.
While inspiring educators to enjoy the job they once loved, she reminds them of how important they are in the lives of children, their families, and the world. Through her writing and her speaking, she highlights relevant and tested learning theory and tools for communication.
Our detailed agenda will be coming in early 2023.
June 21, 2023
Registration for the Leadership Conference opens at 8:00 am
First session begins at 9:00.
June 22, 2023
Registration for the Leadership Conference opens at 8:00 am
Conference sessions end at noon.
June 22, 2023
NCSSA Superintendents’ Meeting starts with registration at 1:00pm.
June 23, 2023
NCSSA Superintendents’ Meeting starts at 8:00.
Category | Cost Prior to April 15, 2023 | Cost April 15, 2023 | |
Administrators: Principals, Asst. Principals, Central Office, Lead Teachers, Etc. | $269 | $299 | |
Category | Cost Prior to April 15, 2023 | Cost April 15, 2023 | |
Superintendents: NCSSA Only | $179 | $199 | |
Superintendents: Summer Leadership and NCSSA | $350 | $400 | |
Category | |||
Sponsor | Gold Sponsor $2000 | Silver Sponsor $1500 | Meal Sponsor $1000 |
Biltmore DoubleTree Hotel Reservations
Registration for Attendees and Sponsors
Gold and Silver Sponsorships are now full.
Adolescent Literacy for Secondary Math and Science Teachers 6-12
Date: March 19, 2024 Time: 9:00am-3:00pm Location: WRESA 200 Ridgefield Ct, Suite 206 Asheville, NC 28806 Fee: $45 WRESA Members $70 Non-Members **NOTE: We have a No Refund policy for our WRESA courses. However, you are welcome to send a colleague in your place. Contact LaDonna Sluder at lsluder@wresa.org or 828-774-5681 (ext 102) if you need to change the name of the person attending. Audience: Teachers and Instructional Coaches CEUs: 5 Contact hours What to Bring: Your own device
Have you often wondered how to help students in your classroom who can’t seem to access your content? For students with poor reading skills, trying to keep up often feels overwhelming. Research shows that the teacher can make a difference at the secondary level to increase learning. Using secondary Math and Science standards, participants will practice embedding word recognition, vocabulary and comprehension strategies into their lessons in order to support their struggling readers.
Presenter(s): Elsa Iglesias and Liz Massey from Buncombe County Schools will be your presenters. Elsa is currently the EC Curriculum and Instructional Specialist for Buncombe County Schools, and currently provides PD for teachers in reading and math in her county. Liz Massey is the Multi Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Coordinator of Buncombe County Schools and a Literacy Specialist trained in the Science of Reading.
If you have additional questions, contact April Spencer at aspencer@wresa.org
If you are unsure whether your school system is a member of WRESA, click WRESA MEMBER List.
Making Flexibly Grouped Classrooms Work in Secondary Settings
Type: In-Person
Date: September 20, 2022
Time: 9:00am-3:00pm
Location: Lenoir Rhyne (Asheville Location, Room 314)
36 Montford Ave
Asheville, NC
Fee: $45 WRESA Members
$65 Non-members
Audience: Teachers, Counselors, Instructional Coaches, Administrators.
Limit: 30 Participants
CEUs: 5 Contact hours
Do you feel like traditional ideas of grouping might need to be revisited? Are there better ways of grouping that could increase engagement in your classroom? Join us for a whole-day session focused on flexible grouping for Secondary (6-12) classrooms. We will explore the purpose for flexible grouping, how to get it started and how it supports differentiation. We will focus on planning for and managing groups, as well as specific procedures for implementing flexible grouping in your classroom. We will be basing this workshop on the book, The Flexibly Grouped Classroom: How to Organize Learning for Equity and Growth ( 2022) by Kristina J Doubet. Mandy Taylor, Sr Content Specialist at NCCAT and April Spencer at WRESA will be co-facilitating. If you have questions contact April aspencer@wresa.org
Secondary Math and MTSS: What is my best approach for Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions?
Date: September 13, 2022 Time: 9:00am - 3:00pm Location: Lenoir Rhyne (Asheville Location, Room 314, 315) Cost: WRESA Members and Burke County staff: No Cost thanks to the Dogwood Trust Non-members : $75 Audience: 6-12 Math Teachers and Instructional Coaches Limit: 50 Participants Credit: 5 Contact Hours
Want to have fun while feeling like you have accomplished your goals? Come to this day-long professional development to develop your plans as you support middle and high school aged students.
Morning will be all grade levels as we address a simple routine that will develop critical aspects of number sense and that can make a huge difference in just one year.
In the afternoon we will break out into Middle school/High school groups. Middle school will focus on games and routines that build understanding of fractional ideas across number systems. You will learn how to leverage whole number understanding to build rational number reasoning. High school will focus on teaching linear algebra conceptually and in a way that makes sense to students. They CAN pass the Math 1 assessment.
Our presenter will be Valerie Faulkner, a special education teacher, who developed a focus in mathematics while teaching middle and high school students in Durham, NC and supporting K-12 teachers in Wake County. She is a co-writer of NCDPI Math Foundations and is currently a Teaching Professor at NC State University in the College of Education. Stacy Eleczko is currently a middle school mathematics teacher in Wake County. She has served as a K-5 math coach and intervention teacher. Questions: Contact April Spencer at aspencer@wresa.org
Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning (S.E.A.L.) to Boost Achievement, Behavior, and Culture
Type: Virtual (a link will be sent closer to the date of the event) Date: September 14, 2022 Time: 12:30am-3:30pm Fee: Free thanks to the Dogwood Trust Grant (See registration restrictions under "Audience") Audience: Teachers, Counselors, School Staff, Principals, Assistant Principals, and other Education ***NOTE: Due to Grant Requirements, only WRESA members and Burke County staff CEUs: 3 Contact hours Limit: Unlimited Number of Participants
This informative, interactive, and highly-engaging session will explore the research that supports the importance of SEAL – Social, Emotional, and Academic practices in educators’ personal and professional development. Participants will learn how to implement SEAL strategies and build skills to use in the classrooms to actively engage students and prepare them to be successful in school, college, career, and life. Tools such as neuroscience, mindfulness, mindset, belonging, cultivating kindness, empathy, and compassion will be reviewed, and emphasis placed on how they play a critical role in building social, emotional, and academic skills while also enhancing school climate and culture. Dr. Hood is the Executive Operating Officer of Thriving YOUniversity. She has been a Teacher of the Year, Principal of the Year and National Presenter. Questions? Contact Carol Douglas at cdouglas@wresa.org
Secondary Math and MTSS: What is my best approach for Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions?
Date: September 13, 2022 Time: 9:00am - 3:00pm Location: Lenoir Rhyne (Asheville Location, Room 314, 315) Cost: WRESA Members and Burke County staff: No Cost thanks to the Dogwood Trust Non-members : $75 Audience: 6-12 Math Teachers and Instructional Coaches Credit: 5 Contact Hours
Want to have fun while feeling like you have accomplished your goals? Come to this day-long professional development to develop your plans as you support middle and high school aged students.
Morning will be all grade levels as we address a simple routine that will develop critical aspects of number sense and that can make a huge difference in just one year.
In the afternoon we will break out into Middle school/High school groups. Middle school will focus on games and routines that build understanding of fractional ideas across number systems. You will learn how to leverage whole number understanding to build rational number reasoning. High school will focus on teaching linear algebra conceptually and in a way that makes sense to students. They CAN pass the Math 1 assessment.
Our presenter will be Valerie Faulkner, a special education teacher, who developed a focus in mathematics while teaching middle and high school students in Durham, NC and supporting K-12 teachers in Wake County. She is a co-writer of NCDPI Math Foundations and is currently a Teaching Professor at NC State University in the College of Education. Stacy Eleczko is currently a middle school mathematics teacher in Wake County. She has served as a K-5 math coach and intervention teacher. Questions: Contact April Spencer at aspencer@wresa.org
2022 Summer Conference Presentations
Presentations that have been shared from the 2022 Summer leadership Conference are now available for 3 months on the WHOVA app. Login to the app and click on the agenda section then click on the session. You will be able to see the presentation document. Thank you again for attending the 2022 Summer Conference.
Don’t forget to put June 21 – 23, 2023 on your calendar for the 2023 WRESA/NCSSA Summer Conference. The event will be held again at the Doubletree in Biltmore. Have a wonderful summer.
Where Do I Start? A Crash Course to Assist with Passing the Math CKT Test
Date: August 14, 2024 (Note that the date changed from August 12th to August 14th) Time: 9:00am-3:00pm Sessions: 9:00-12:00 Session 1:00- 3:00 Individual time to study and ask the presenter questions Location: WRESA 200 Ridgefield Ct, Suite 206 Asheville, NC 28806 Fee: $45 WRESA Members $70 Non-Members **NOTE: We have a No Refund policy for our WRESA courses. However, you are welcome to send a colleague in your place. Contact LaDonna Sluder at lsluder@wresa.org or 828-774-5681 (ext 102) if you need to change the name of the person attending. Audience: Beginning and Lateral Entry Teachers CEUs: None What to Bring: Your own device
By the end of the session, participants will:
- Expand knowledge of the content covered on the Math CKT Test
- Learn how to access study materials and resources
- Examine and discuss sample questions from the practice exam
- Work collaboratively to begin developing a study guide
- Independently work through practice questions to access areas of strength and need
Allyson Scott just completed her third-year teaching 4th grade at West
Marion Elementary. She is passionate about helping students love learning
and finding new technology resources to use in the classroom. Outside of
school Allyson enjoys traveling, reading, and kayaking.
If you have additional questions, contact Candie Sellers csellers@wresa.org
If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click WRESA MEMBER List.
STEM to Your Doorstep – Aug 2024
Date: August 30th, 2024 Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm Type: In-Person Location: Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Ext. Center 455 Research Drive Mills River, NC 28759 Cost: $65 - WRESA Members $95 - Non-members **NOTE: We have a No Refund policy for our WRESA courses. However, you are welcome to send a colleague in your place. Contact LaDonna Sluder at lsluder@wresa.org or 828-774-5681 (ext 102) if you need to change the name of the person attending. Audience: K-12 teachers Credit: 5 Contact Hours What to Bring: Your own device
K-12 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics teachers, what do you need to boost the STEM curriculum in your schools? How about free access to technology, resources and lab materials for use in the classroom? Now, the real question is how can you make this happen? You can participate in a day of training presented by The Science House of NC State University. You will use MacBooks, LabQuests and various probes to explore science and math concepts. After the training session, you will be eligible to participate in the equipment loan program through The Mountain Satellite Office of The Science House. Participants will be trained on equipment use and equipment implementation through the use of grade level activities.
If you have questions about the workshop, contact Michelle Taylor (828-206-3014 / mtbenign@ncsu.edu).
If you have questions about registration, contact LaDonna Sluder at WRESA (828-774-5681 ext 102 / lsluder@wresa.org )