Connecting the Dots – Principal as MTSS Leader

Type:      In-Person
Date:      July 13, 2022
Time:      9:00am-3:00pm

Location:  WCU at Biltmore Park (Room #336)
           28 Schenck Parkway
           Asheville, NC 28803 

Fee:       Free thanks to the Dogwood Trust Grant (See registration restrictions under "Audience")
CEUs:      5 Contact hours
Audience:  Principals, Assistant Principals, and other Education Leaders
           ***NOTE: Due to Grant Requirements, only WRESA Members and Burke County Staff are eligible to register
 for this workshop 
Limit:     40 Participants
Bring:     Participants need to bring a charged device and access to school data

For the MTSS framework to be implemented successfully, principals must lead, communicate, and participate in most areas of the work. Principals must understand their influence on the quality of student-level instruction and the systems-level problem-solving needed to grow both.  This training will focus on connecting the dots of how best practice is woven throughout the MTSS framework. For further information, please contact Jill Chambers at

Presenter:  Jill Chambers

Jill Chambers is the MTSS Support Coordinator at WRESA. She is the former Haywood County principal of Riverbend Elementary School.  Riverbend is a two time Blue Ribbon School, a four time Title I Distinguished School finalist, and has performed in the top one percent of Title I schools in the state for a decade.   With over thirty years of educational experience, she strives to help schools understand how the best practices recommended through a MTSS school improvement framework support student achievement. 


Mentor Training

Date:     September 10, 2024
Time:     9:00am-3:00pm
Location: WRESA
          200 Ridgefield Ct, Suite 206 
          Asheville, NC 28806

Fee:      $45 WRESA Members
          $70 Non-Members

**NOTE: We have a No Refund policy for our WRESA courses. However, you
are welcome to send a colleague in your place. Contact LaDonna Sluder at or 828-774-5681 (ext 102) if you need to change the 
name of the person attending.

Audience: Current mentors who need/want more in-depth training then a
          refresher course and future mentors
CEUs:     5 Contact Hours
What to Bring: A Charged device


The North Carolina 21st Century Mentoring course provides mentors with the skills and knowledge needed to support beginning teachers. This course is built around the North Carolina Mentor Standards which are aligned with the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards and provides direction in how mentors can support beginning teachers in each of the teacher standards. All North Carolina students deserve effective teachers. This course helps mentors in implementing best practices for guiding beginning teachers to reach their fullest potential and is an opportunity for mentors to collaborate with others in the region in face-to-face training.  Angie Eudy, the Regional Education Facilitator from NCDPI, will be leading this workshop.


Angie Eudy, the Regional Education Facilitator will be leading the workshop.

If you have questions, contact April at

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.


National Board Support for New Candidates and Renewals

Date:     Sept 14, 2024    
Time:     Morning Session:    9:00am – 12:00pm
          Afternoon Session: 1:00pm -  3:00pm 
Type:     In-Person

Location: WRESA   
          200 Ridgefield Ct, Suite 206
          Asheville, NC 28806

Fee:      $20 WRESA Members  (per session)
          $40 Non-members    (per session)

CEUs:     2.5 Contact Hours (each session) - if district accepts them
Limit:    50 Participants
Audience: National Board New and Renewal Candidates

Morning Session:  Come spend the morning learning about the National Board process for new candidates. Lynn Carter, our own NBCT expert will go over all the details and provide you with a timeline and resources to be successful. This workshop will be 9:00 am – 12:00 pm.

Afternoon Session: The afternoon session will be from 1:00 pm -3:00 pm and will be for those NBCTs who are getting ready to renew. They will have an opportunity to discuss this process and begin thinking about the entries and accomplishments that would work best.

Presenter:  Lynn Carter will facilitate both sessions with her wealth of knowledge about the process.

For more information, contact April at, 828.774. 5681 ext 103

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.   


Substitute 101 Registration Form TEST

Register below. If you are a New User (which means that this is the first WRESA Online course you have taken),  enter an email and password in the form below and click “Submit”. Please record your email and password for future reference.

If you are a Returning User (which means you have already taken one of our online courses and thus, have a WRESA login with an email and password ),  scroll down to the Returning User registration for instructions.

New User:

Substitute 101 Registration Updated ES

Returning User:

(You have previously registered for a WRESA Online Learning Course and have a username and password. Please login with your username and password in the top left corner. After logging in, fill out the information under Returning User, and click “Submit”.

Oops! You need to be logged in to use this form.

Retirement Consultation Documents

Thank you for scheduling a retirement consultation. Woody Ayers will be meeting with you at 10C Yorkshire Street Lower Level Asheville, NC 28803. If you need to cancel, please do so at least 48 prior to your appointment. You can click no on your calendar invite or call LaDonna Sluder at 828-774-5681 option 1. Please print this information if you need to have it as a reminder check list.






The consultation fee is $65 for a one-hour session, which may be paid by check, cash, or credit card at the time of your consultation.  The last 15 minutes of your session will be for specific questions that you may have regarding your plan.

To get an accurate retirement estimate, and to make your consultation beneficial to you, please do the following:


  1. Please save:An Account History from Orbit.
  • Please note, the estimate from Orbit maybe different than your W-2 forms and

Social Security statement.

  1. Please save:
  • Your most recent pay stub/or have all your leave balances if not on pay


  • If you are unable to print your account history from Orbit, please save a document with a list of your highest 4 consecutive year’s salaries (you can use your W-2 forms to get these figures)


  1.        For Social Security Leveling, please save a copy of your current statement.  They

are available at


  1. FACE TO FACE:  For your (face to face meeting) please arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment.


It is important that you prepare all documents requested.  If you are meeting face to face, please bring your documents with you.  You are welcome to bring someone with you to your appointment. You may reply to Woody Ayers at or 828-460-3377 or LaDonna Sluder at or 828-774-5681 (ext. 102)


Driving Directions:

From I-40 East to Asheville

Take Exit 50 (U.S. Highway 25). Turn right from the exit ramp and take an immediate left onto Yorkshire Street (Between the Huddle House and the Biltmore United Methodist Church). Continue to the bottom of the hill and turn right into the complex with Asheville Dentistry and Great Beginnings Dentistry, continue around back to 10c lower level.


From I-40 West to Asheville

Take Exit 50A and continue onto U.S. Highway 25. Take the first left onto Yorkshire Street (Between the Huddle House and the Biltmore United Methodist Church). Continue to the bottom of the hill and turn right into the complex with Asheville Dentistry and Great Beginnings Dentistry, continue around back to 10c lower level.


2022 Innovate and Inspire With STEM Webinars Registration

Register below. If you are a New User (which means that this is the first WRESA Online course you have taken),  enter an email and password in the form below and click “Submit”. Please record your email and password for future reference.

If you are a Returning User (which means you have already taken one of our online courses and thus, have a WRESA login with an email and password ),  scroll down to the Returning User registration for instructions.

If you have questions, please contact or 828-774-5681 ext. 102.

New User:

2022 Inspire And Innovate With STEM Webinars New User

Returning User:

(You have previously registered for a WRESA Online Learning Course and have a username and password. Please login with your username and password in the top left corner. After logging in, fill out the information under Returning User, and click “Submit”.

Oops! You need to be logged in to use this form.

Business Externships

Experience our Businesses Virtually:

Virtual Career Exploration

Name Type
Andy Taylor FordAutomotive
Army National GuardMilitary Services
Bascom GalleryNonprofit-Arts
Blue Ridge Mountain ElectricElectric/Broadband
Deal FarmsAgriculture
Doug Taylor Electrical ContractingContracting
Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians Office of Natural ResourcesGovernment
Harris Regional HospitalHealthcare
Highlands Aerial ParkOutdoor Recreation
John C. Campbell Folk SchoolNonprofit-Arts
Kanini's Restaurant and CateringHospitality, Restaurant
Laurel Ridge Country ClubHospitality
Mainspring Conservation TrustNonprofit-environmental
Nantahala Outdoor CenterRecreation
Rikki Tikki TeesRetail, manufacturing
Sunburst TroutRetail, Agriculture
Wehrloom Honey and MeaderyRetail, Manufacturing, Agriculture
Ward's Plumbing and HeatingHome Services

Andy Shaw Ford Career Spotlight


Andy Shaw Ford Virtual Tour 

PowerPoint Andy Shaw Ford


Army National Guard Career Spotlight


PowerPoint Army National Guard


The Bascom

PowerPoint The Bascom Gallery


BRMEMC Career Spotlight


PowerPoint BRMEMC


Deal Family Farms

PowerPoint   Deal Farms

Doug Taylor Electric, LLC

PowerPoint Doug Taylor Electric


EBCI Natural Resources Career Spotlight


PowerPoint    Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians Office of Natural Resources

Harris Hospital Career Spotlight

PowerPoint Harris Regional Hospital

Highlands Aerial Career Spotlight

PowerPoint   Highlands Ariel Park

John C Campbell Folk School Career Spotlight


PowerPoint John C. Campbell Folk School


Kanini’s Restaurant and Catering Spotlight Tour


Kanini’s Restaurant Virtual Tour

PowerPoint Kanini’s Restaurant


Laurel Ridge Country Club and Event Center Career Spotlight


PowerPoint Laurel Ridge Country Club


Mainspring Career Spotlight


PowerPoint  Mainspring Conservation Trust


Murphy Rehabilitation & Nursing Career Spotlight


Murphy Rehabilitation and Nursing Virtual Tour

NOC Career Spotlight


NOC Virtual Tour


PowerPoint Nantahala Outdoor Center

Rikki Tikki Tees

PowerPoint Rikki Tikki Tees


Sunburst Trout Farms Career Spotlight

PowerPoint   Sunburst Trout

Tektone Career Spotlight

Tektone Virtual Tour

PowerPoint TekTone Sound

Ward Plumbing, Heating & Air Career Spotlight

Ward Plumbing, Heating & Air Virtual Tour


PowerPoint Ward Plumbing, Heating, & Air


Wehrloom Honey and Meadery

Video Coming Soon

PowerPoint The Original Wehrloom Honey and Meadery

WNC Education Career Fair 2022

When:      April 5, 2022
Time:      9:00am - 12:00 noon

Location:  Asheville Event Centre
           291 Sweeten Creek Rd.
           Asheville, NC

Why Teach In The North Carolina Mountains?

  • Nineteen progressive school systems from which to choose
  • Proven track record of high student achievement
  • Ample opportunity for professional growth
  • Competitive salary and benefits
  • Wholesome, varied lifestyle for you and your family       

Participating School Systems & Charter Schools May Include:

Asheville City, Buncombe County, Cherokee County,  Cherokee Central, Clay County,  Graham County, Haywood County, Henderson County, Jackson County, Macon County, Madison County, McDowell County, Mitchell County, Polk County, Rutherford County,  Swain County, Transylvania County, Yancey County 

Areas of Critical Need:  High School Math, Science, and Special Education

Licensure Information will be available in a google document which you will receive in an email closer to the date of the event. 

Please contact Candie Sellers at or 828-774-5681 ext. 104 for more information regarding contacting schools for job opportunities. 




Better Brains Conference

Date:     February 11, 2022   
Time:     9:00am to 3:00pm
Type:     In-person

Location: NCCAT
          276 NCCAT Dr
          Cullowhee, NC 28723

Cost:     No Cost thanks to Dogwood Health Trust
Credit:   6 Contact Hours 

This conference will include the following sessions:

  1. Emotional Wellness
  2. Dealing with Anxiety
  3. Motivating Students
  4. Restorative Practices
  5. 3-signature Practices

and many, many more!!!

For any questions, you may contact Carol Douglas at



Steps to English Proficiency

Date:     January 5, 2022
Time:     9:00am - 12:00pm

Location: Virtual

Cost:     $30 - WRESA Members
          $35 - Non-Members
Audience: K-5th Grade teachers with ELL students, curriculum coaches, ESL teachers, administrator 
and anyone who works with English Learners and is responsible for their progress.
Credit: : 4 Contact hours

Eden Fals, OCDE Project GLAD Trainers
Omar Lemus Rodriguez, OCDE Project GLAD Trainers

Steps to English Proficiency This course is a visual method for helping ELL students understand and internalize the WIDA standards for speaking and writing so that they can produce, self-assess, peer-assess and improve their language production and understand expectations both in the classroom and on the ACCESS for ELLs assessment. Contact Candie Sellers at