The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt – Online Book Study

Type:  Online and Self-Paced

Cost:  $45 - WRESA Members
       $70 - Non-members 

CEUs:  20 Contact Hours

This course examines the influence of  smartphone usage on young people growing up in a society that is dependent on digital devices. After each section, which will consist of reading 1-2 chapters in the book, you will write a summary about specific topics in that section. This is a self-paced course. You will be responsible for purchasing the book.

For more information, please contact Jan Webster at

***IMPORTANT NOTE:  Prior to registering, we encourage you to watch one of the registration help videos if you haven’t taken an Online Course with WRESA or if you need a refresher on the process.  Follow the directions below to view one of the videos:

1)  If you DO NOT have a WRESA account (which means you have not taken an online course with us), click on the following help video for how to register and enroll as a New User: Help Video for a New User.

2)  If you have taken an online course with us previously and already have a WRESA account, click on the following help video for how to add a course to your account as a Returning User: Help Video for a Returning User.

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.



AI: Artificial Intelligence Questions Examined Through “Klara and the Sun” – Online Book Study

Type:  Online and Self-Paced

Cost:  $45 - WRESA Members
       $70 - Non-members 

Credits: 10 Contact Hours

We will examine areas of thought related to the use of artificial intelligence through the use of a fictional story “Klara and The Sun” by Kazuo Ishiguro. This book examines a fictional scenario involving an “Artificial Friend” and her family. You will submit your responses to questions based upon the 5 sections of the book. This is self paced. You will be responsible for purchasing the book.

For more information, please contact Jan Webster at

***IMPORTANT NOTE:  Prior to registering, we encourage you to watch one of the registration help videos if you haven’t taken an Online Course with WRESA or if you need a refresher on the process.  Follow the directions below to view one of the videos:

1)  If you DO NOT have a WRESA account (which means you have not taken an online course with us), click on the following help video for how to register and enroll as a New User: Help Video for a New User.

2)  If you have taken an online course with us previously and already have a WRESA account, click on the following help video for how to add a course to your account as a Returning User: Help Video for a Returning User.

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.



The Science of Reading: 5 Part Online Series

Type:         Online and Ongoing
Time:         Self-Paced (Available At Your Convenience)

Cost:         $45 for WRESA Members
              $70 for Non-members

Credit:       5 Contact Hours 
Audience:     K-5  
Presenter:    Cindy Hutchins, Instructional Coach for Buncombe County Schools 


This course is designed as a follow up from the Introduction to the Science of Reading led by NCCAT Early Grades Literacy Specialist, Gin Hodge.  Participants will dig deeper into each of the five components of high quality reading instruction and will explore resources to support the explicit instruction of each component during face to face instruction as well as virtual instruction.  This self-paced, five hour course will dedicate a session to phonological and phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, oral language and vocabulary, and comprehension.  

Target audience: K-5 grades (Must View all 5 Sessions to Receive Credit).  There are no prerequisite requirements for this course. Each participant must submit a final summary after viewing all 5 webinars to receive 5 hours of credit for the course.  A good summary guideline to follow is roughly one paragraph for each webinar. Summaries should be sent to Candie Sellers at .

Presenter: Cindy Hutchins Instructional Coach Buncombe County Schools.

Cindy taught fourth and second grade at W.W. Estes Elementary school for five years before becoming an Instructional Coach for Buncombe County Schools for the past five years. She is passionate about the Science of Reading and progress in the area of neuroscience related to how children learn to read.

If you have further questions, please contact Candie Sellers:

***IMPORTANT NOTE:  Prior to registering, we encourage you to watch one of the registration help videos if you haven’t taken an Online Course with WRESA or if you need a refresher on the process.  Follow the directions below to view one of the videos:

1)  If you DO NOT have a WRESA account (which means you have not taken an online course with us), click on the following help video for how to register and enroll as a New User: Help Video for a New User.

2)  If you have taken an online course with us previously and already have a WRESA account, click on the following help video for how to add a course to your account as a Returning User: Help Video for a Returning User.

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.


Increasing Rigor with Higher Order Thinking – Online

Where:     Online 
Type:      Ongoing and Self-Paced

Fee:       $45  WRESA Member            
           $70  WRESA Non-Member    

Hours:     15 Contact Hours
Audience:  6-12 teachers

Presenter:   Pam Sutton, Instructional Coach for Henderson County Schools
Facilitator: April Spencer - For questions, contact April at 

We know that teaching higher order thinking is an important part of helping our students grow and increase rigor.  This course will give you many opportunities  and strategies to accomplish this task. We will also improve the quality of questions posed to students in order to continue to improve these skills.  

Main objectives include:

  • using Webb’s Depth of Knowledge to scaffold students to think more critically,

  • purposefully planning questions in lesson plans, and

  • building rigor in both face to face and virtual environments.

NC Professional Teaching Standards Addressed in this Course:


***IMPORTANT NOTE:  Prior to registering, we encourage you to watch one of the registration help videos if you haven’t taken an Online Course with WRESA or if you need a refresher on the process.  Follow the directions below to view one of the videos:

1)  If you DO NOT have a WRESA account (which means you have not taken an online course with us), click on the following help video for how to register and enroll as a New User: Help Video for a New User.

2)  If you have taken an online course with us previously and already have a WRESA account, click on the following help video for how to add a course to your account as a Returning User: Help Video for a Returning User.

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.


Engaging Students While Fighting Apathy – Online

Type: Online and Ongoing  (Self-paced)

Cost: $45 - WRESA Members
      $70 - Non-members

Contact Hours:  15

Participants will identify causes of student apathy and will learn strategies for increasing engagement both virtually and face to face.

Main objectives include:

  • identify reasons students lack engagement
  • incorporate strategies which increase engagement for ALL students (including EL, EC, and AIG)
  • explore growth mindset and executive functioning and how both relate to apathy.

Presenter:  Pam Sutton, Instructional Coach for Henderson County Public Schools,

For questions, contact April Spencer at

***IMPORTANT NOTE:  Prior to registering, we encourage you to watch one of the registration help videos if you haven’t taken an Online Course with WRESA or if you need a refresher on the process.  Follow the directions below to view one of the videos:

1)  If you DO NOT have a WRESA account (which means you have not taken an online course with us), click on the following help video for how to register and enroll as a New User: Help Video for a New User.

2)  If you have taken an online course with us previously and already have a WRESA account, click on the following help video for how to add a course to your account as a Returning User: Help Video for a Returning User.

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.



Online Book Study: Social and Emotional Learning – Online

Type:     Online and Ongoing  
Time:     Self-Paced (Available at your Convenience)
Fee:      $45  WRESA Members      (participant will also need to purchase the book)
          $70  Non-Members        (participant will also need to purchase the book)

Credit:   20 Contact hours
Audience: K-12 teachers and staff 

Online book study for All Learning is Social and Emotional: Helping Students Develop Essential Skills for the Classroom and Beyond.  Written by: Frey, Fisher and Smith.  Participants will read and respond to questions and reflect on what they are reading.  

Students may be carrying accumulated trauma from the Pandemic and recent events. They will need more social and emotional support than ever before. This course will provide and/or extend the participants knowledge and strategies to promote SEL as well as strategies for remote teaching and learning.  Educators will be able to create a classroom/school culture that teaches resilience and respect in a safe environment. Our goal is to help our students build essential skills that will serve them in our classrooms and throughout their lives! 

Who should the audience be for this course?  This book study would be a wonderful resource and guide for whole school participation and would support the planning process for the development of a schoolwide SEL environment. School Improvement Teams and individual teachers will benefit as well. All of the ideas and strategies from the book can also be implemented in an individual teacher’s classroom for SEL. 

***IMPORTANT NOTE:  Prior to registering, we encourage you to watch one of the registration help videos if you haven’t taken an Online Course with WRESA or if you need a refresher on the process.  Follow the directions below to view one of the videos:

1)  If you DO NOT have a WRESA account (which means you have not taken an online course with us), click on the following help video for how to register and enroll as a New User: Help Video for a New User.

2)  If you have taken an online course with us previously and already have a WRESA account, click on the following help video for how to add a course to your account as a Returning User: Help Video for a Returning User.

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.


If you need additional information, contact  Candie Sellers at or April Spencer at 

WRESA Online Learning




The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt Online Book Study


AI: Artificial Intelligence Questions Examined Through “Klara and the Sun” Book Study


MTSS Resource – No Fee, No Credit – Online


Foundations of Reading Test Preparation – Online


Amplify: Digital Teaching and Learning in the K-6 Classroom


The Science of Reading: 5 Part Series


Engaging Students While Fighting Apathy


Online Book Study: Social and Emotional Learning


Increasing Rigor with Higher Order Thinking


Substitute 101

Interested in substituting?


Amplify: Digital Teaching and Learning in the K-6 Classroom – Online Book Study

Type:     Online and Ongoing (Self-Paced)
Fee:      $45 WRESA Members (Participants will need to purchase the book)
          $70 Non-Members   (Participants will need to purchase the book)

Audience: K-6 Teachers
Credit:   20 Contact Hours

Online book study for Amplify: Digital Teaching and Learning in the K-6 Classroom. Written by: Katie Muhtaris and Kristin Ziemke.       

This book will introduce you to technological tools and the power of using the tools in your classroom. You will discover how to help students become effective digital readers and thinkers. This book will serve as a great resource for showing students what they can do in the ever changing digital world.

Participants will complete the book and respond to questions after each chapter. The final step will be to develop a digital lesson integrating the NC Digital Competences for Educators.  If you have questions contact Candie Sellers at or 828.774.5681, ext. 104.

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.


Foundations of Reading Test Preparation – Online

Registration Fee: $75   Non-refundable

Location:               Online

Course Type:       Ongoing & Self-paced

Contact Hours:   None

 This online course will prepare pre-service and teachers new to NC for the Foundations of Reading Test. Activities, strategies, background reading, vocabulary study, practice questions, and resources will be provided in each of the tested areas: foundations of reading development, development of reading comprehension, reading assessment and instruction, and integration of knowledge and understanding. Candie Sellers, Elementary Curriculum/PD Coordinator, will facilitate this online, self-paced course. If you have questions, contact Candie at or 828.774.5681, ext. 104.

***IMPORTANT NOTE:  Prior to registering, we encourage you to watch one of the registration help videos if you haven’t taken an Online Course with WRESA or if you need a refresher on the process.  Follow the directions below to view one of the videos:

1)  If you DO NOT have a WRESA account (which means you have not taken an online course with us), click on the following help video for how to register and enroll as a New User: Help Video for a New User.

2)  If you have taken an online course with us previously and already have a WRESA account, click on the following help video for how to add a course to your account as a Returning User: Help Video for a Returning User.

If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click  WRESA MEMBER List.