Date: March 18, 2025
Time: 9:00 -3:00
Type: In -Person
Location: WRESA
200 Ridgefield Ct., Suite 206
Asheville, NC 28806
Fee: $60.00 WRESA Member
$85.00 Non-WRESA Member
**NOTE: We have a No Refund policy for our WRESA courses. However, you are welcome to send a
colleague in your place. Contact LaDonna Sluder at or 828-774-5681 (ext 102)
if you need to change the name of the person attending.
CEUs: 5 Contact hours
Limit: 50 Participants
Audience: K-12 Administrators, Aspiring Administrators, School Improvement Teams
What to Bring: A charged device
Description: A culture of trust within any organization is key. It not only enhances team unity and strength but empowers employees to take ownership of their roles and ultimately build a stronger school. However, trust doesn’t just happen. Developing a culture of trust requires deliberate actions taken by the school’s leadership and nourishing healthy relationships throughout the school community.
Sid Bailey, Arizona Department of Education Associate Superintendent
Sid Bailey, is the Associate Superintendent Educator Leadership and will lead the effort for the School Safety Program; Certification; Educator Recruitment and Retention (Principal Academy); Title II and school discipline (classroom management development) and the Charter School Program. In his 40-plus year career, Bailey served as Principal for 14 years in two different High Schools. Both received national attention for academic success. He was Director of AZ. Leads (leadership development) for ADE for 3.5 years; Director of Leadership Development for the Arizona Charter Schools Association for more than 6 years; Adjunct professor for Grand Canyon University and an Independent Educational Consultant assisting schools, several of whom were in need of academic turnaround. He holds a B.A. in History, Government and Political Science, Masters in Special Education and an Administrative Certificate from Northern Arizona University.
Jim Saltz, Leadership and Improvement Specialist.
Jim Saltz is a Leadership and Improvement Specialist at Ed Direction. He enjoys working with schools and seeks the challenge of implementing data-driven school improvement strategies without sacrificing the quest for a positive, nurturing school culture. With over thirty years of educational experience, Jim has dynamically led schools and programs by promoting a success-oriented culture that transcends tests over time. Described as a visionary, Jim strives to assist organizations in building capacity so that schools can function at the highest level so the learning community will have both immediate and sustained impact.
Jane Williams, School Turnaround and Human Behavior Specialist
Jane is a Director at Ed Direction, a K-12 Public Education practice. She is a veteran educator with 30 years of experience in the NC public school system serving as a teacher (5-time TOY), athletic coach, Principal, and district administrator. She co-chaired a task force that created the first Alternative School in the district and was Chairperson of the County Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Council for 5 years.
As Vice-President of Prevention Services for a private, non-profit substance abuse agency in Winston-Salem, NC she grew the practice from a staff of five which served three NC counties to a staff of forty that provided services to youth, families, schools, and communities in 14 counties. As an educational consultant for New View Publications for 12 years, Jane had the opportunity to partner with businesses, community agencies, and schools in numerous states throughout the US.
If you have additional questions, contact Candie Sellers at
If you are unsure whether your school system is a WRESA member, click WRESA MEMBER List.