2022 WRESA/NCSSA Summer Leadership Conference

“Designing Learning for a New Age”

Dates: June 22 – 24, 2022

Place: Doubletree Biltmore  Asheville, NC


Summer Conference  June 22 – 23, 2022 

Early Bird Rates:  $249 until March 31, 2022

After March 31, 2022   $299

NCSSA Conference  June 23 – 24, 2022  (Superintendents Only)

Early Bird Rates:  $149 until March 31, 2022

After March 31, 2022 $199

Summer Leadership Conference and NCSSA Conference (Superintendents Only) 

Early Bird Rates:  $350 until March 31, 2022

After March 31, 2022  $450


Registration Full


Hotel Room Information

Tier One Practices: Engaging All K-5 students in Learning

Date:     December 2, 2021
Time:     9:00am – 11:00am

Type:     Virtual Webinar  (A link will be sent to you close to the time of the event)

Fee:      WRESA Members:  Free thanks to the Dogwood Trust 
          Non-Members:    $45 
          *** Includes HyperDoc for your use later
Audience: K-5 Teachers  
Credit:   3 Contact Hours

This two-hour virtual workshop with Dr. Connie Kamm will focus on engaging, inclusive, and evidence-based practices to support whole-class learning and individual student success. During this two-hour interactive virtual workshop, educators will explore how to implement Tier 1 practices including: feedback, error corrections, monitoring and assessing student progress by gathering real time data and articulating clear goals and expected outcomes. There will be a HyperDoc provided that is perfect to use for additional professional learning sessions, faculty meetings, teacher-based teamwork, and individual reflections. The HyperDoc will contain evidence-based practices, videos of classrooms in action, interviews with teachers, as well as an interactive literature review. If you have additional questions email April Spencer aspencer@wresa.org


Amie Dean – Behavior Interventions That Work

Date:     January 28, 2022
Time:     9:00am – 12:00pm

Type:     Virtual Webinar  (A link will be sent to you close to the time of the event)

Fee:      WRESA Members:  Free thanks to the Dogwood Trust 
          Non-Members:    $45

Audience: K-12 Teachers  
Credit:   3 Contact Hours

Do you have a plan for what to do when a student doesn’t comply with your request? Do you want to avoid power struggles with challenging students? Amie Dean, the Behavior Queen, is returning to offer behavior strategies that work. Whether you are a beginning teacher or a veteran, there will be something for everyone.   This session will guide you in developing a preventative plan for handling issues from low level distractions to more chronic behaviors.  You will reflect on your current practices, learn the purpose of behavior, how to respond vs. react, and how to reboot your current systems to support student behavior and GAIN instructional minutes. This is a practical, strategy filled session with concrete steps you can implement immediately to help students – and yourself.  A link will be sent to you close to the time of the webinar. If you have any questions please contact April Spencer  aspencer@wresa.org



The Intersection of Mental Health Services and Students with Disabilities

Date:     December 9, 2021
Time:     8:30am - 11:00am

Location: Virtual  (a link will be sent to you close to the date of the event)

            $75  - Individual
            $300 - District  (Need One Primary Contact)

Audience: Administrators (new and experienced)
          Employees involved in Title IX process and student mental health counselors and social workers

Credit:   Individuals: - 2.5 Contact Hours
          School Districts: Each district is responsible for issuing CEUs to their staff attendees

Presenter: Chris Campbell, Campbell and Shatley PLLC

This session is for all new and experienced administrators, and all EC and 504 personnel.  Mr. Campbell will cover the relationship between state mental health services and federal education laws.  He will also review parent requests for private service providers to come into schools and parent requests for private school placement.  Time for questions will be provided.  If you have questions, email Candie Sellers at csellers@wresa.org


Tier One Practices: Engaging All K-5 students in Learning

Date:     December 2, 2021
Time:     9:00am – 11:00am

Type:     Virtual Webinar  (A link will be sent to you close to the time of the event)

Fee:      WRESA Members:  Free thanks to the Dogwood Trust 
          Non-Members:    $45 
          *** Includes HyperDoc for your use later
Audience: K-5 Teachers  
Credit:   3 Contact Hours

This two-hour virtual workshop with Dr. Connie Kamm will focus on engaging, inclusive, and evidence-based practices to support whole-class learning and individual student success. During this two-hour interactive virtual workshop, educators will explore how to implement Tier 1 practices including: feedback, error corrections, monitoring and assessing student progress by gathering real time data and articulating clear goals and expected outcomes. There will be a HyperDoc provided that is perfect to use for additional professional learning sessions, faculty meetings, teacher-based teamwork, and individual reflections. The HyperDoc will contain evidence-based practices, videos of classrooms in action, interviews with teachers, as well as an interactive literature review. If you have additional questions email April Spencer aspencer@wresa.org


Amie Dean – Behavior Interventions that Work

Date:     January 28, 2022
Time:     9:00am – 12:00pm

Type:     Virtual Webinar  (A link will be sent to you close to the time of the event)

Fee:      WRESA Members:  Free thanks to the Dogwood Trust 
          Non-Members:    $45

Audience: K-12 Teachers  
Credit:   3 Contact Hours

Do you have a plan for what to do when a student doesn’t comply with your request? Do you want to avoid power struggles with challenging students? Amie Dean, the Behavior Queen, is returning to offer behavior strategies that work. Whether you are a beginning teacher or a veteran, there will be something for everyone.   This session will guide you in developing a preventative plan for handling issues from low level distractions to more chronic behaviors.  You will reflect on your current practices, learn the purpose of behavior, how to respond vs. react, and how to reboot your current systems to support student behavior and GAIN instructional minutes. This is a practical, strategy filled session with concrete steps you can implement immediately to help students – and yourself.  A link will be sent to you close to the time of the webinar. If you have any questions please contact April Spencer  aspencer@wresa.org



Steps to English Proficiency

Date:     January 5, 2022
Time:     9:00am - 12:00pm

Location: Virtual

Cost:     $30 - WRESA Members
          $35 - Non-Members
Audience: K-5th Grade teachers with ELL students, curriculum coaches, ESL teachers, administrator 
and anyone who works with English Learners and is responsible for their progress.
Credit: : 4 Contact hours

Eden Fals, OCDE Project GLAD Trainers
Omar Lemus Rodriguez, OCDE Project GLAD Trainers

Steps to English Proficiency This course is a visual method for helping ELL students understand and internalize the WIDA standards for speaking and writing so that they can produce, self-assess, peer-assess and improve their language production and understand expectations both in the classroom and on the ACCESS for ELLs assessment. Contact Candie Sellers at cseller@wresa.org



UNC WorldView Offerings

UNC WorldView



Developing Intercultural Competencies with UNESCO Story Circles

January 27, 2022 – 4:00-6:00

UNESCO Story Circles is a thoughtful process that involves a group of people sharing personal experiences for developing intercultural competences.

Charle LaMonica, director of UNC World View and Hazael Andrew, Associate Director of UNC World View will lead this highly interactive Story Circle training to build intercultural competencies based on the Manual for Developing Intercultural Competencies:

Story Circles, by UNESCO and Routledge, a $50 value downloadable free for attendees.


Personalizing for Success Top

Date:  Friday, Nov 10,2021
Time:  9:00am - 3:00pm
Type:  In-person 

A-B Tech Ferguson Allied Health Workforce Development Building, Room 431
10 Genevieve Circle
Asheville, NC 28801

Fee:       $45 WRESA members    $65 Non-members
Credit:    5 Contact Hours

Participants in this session will explore North Carolina’s 4 pillars of personalized learning and apply them to create resources for their classrooms including learner profiles, data trackers, learning paths and more. Resources and exemplars will be shared from teachers across North Carolina. Strategies for designing and managing a face-to-face personalized learning classroom will be shared and tips for flexing to remote learning will also be discussed. Bring a laptop or Chromebook and a copy of a lesson that you plan to teach soon to work with during this session. This session will count towards your digital learning competencies. Stacy Lovdahl, our Digital Teaching and Learning Teacher on Loan, will be leading this workshop. If you have questions, email April Spencer at aspencer@wresa.org


Literacy and STEM (part 1) – March 2022

Date:     March 14, 2022
Time:     9:00am – 3:00pm

Location: Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center
          455 Research Drive
          Mills River, NC 28759

Cost:     $65 - WRESA Members 
          $85 - Non-Members
Audience: 3rd-12th grade teachers
Credit:   5 Contact Hours

The world of STEM provides a rich environment that motivates children to want to learn more. Children often prefer reading about spiders and dinosaurs to fictional characters. STEM activities help students build vocabulary, incorporate problem-solving skills, and analyze complex text with real-world applications. Maximize classroom time by integrating literacy with the natural connections of STEM disciplines. Experience lessons that give students a desire to read, promote problem solving, and model strategies to cultivate reading comprehension. Join us as we explore tons of literacy strategies connected to STEM. This workshop is presented by The Science House of NCSU. If you have questions about the workshop, contact Michelle Benigno (828-206-3014 / mtbenign@ncsu.edu). If you have questions about registration, contact LaDonna Sluder at WRESA (lsluder@wresa.org).